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African Explorers

Quiz by Calvin Casavant

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    What was Mungo Park in Africa to do. 

    To spread Christianity and to do kind things for the people

    To find out where Madagascar was, and to meet the people there

    To film the Disney movie Madagascar

    To establish relationships with the indigenous people and to chart the Niger River

  • Q2

    What territories was Mungo Park supposed to establish relationships with

    Niger and Timbalak

    Pingalang and Whooshaland

    Gambia, Kingsland, and Nifero

    Timbuktu and Hausaland

  • Q3

    What was David Livingstone in Africa to do

    Spread Eastern Orthodoxy

    To find Victoria falls and map it's location in Africa

    Discover river routes that would open Africa to new commerce and undermine the slave trade

    Show the Indigenous people the  wonders of cannibalism

  • Q4

    Aside from discovering trade routes what was David Livingstone's occupation

    Showing French Poodles to the Indigenous people

    Killing off the evil tribes that made war with each other

    Spreading the gospel with the indigenous people

    Making tables so the indigenous people could eat civilized 

  • Q5

    Where did David Livingstone die

    Sleeping in the medical tent

    Inside the elephant cage, apparently trampled

    By his bedside, praying

    Reading the Bible under a tree where a venomous snake bit him and died of venom complications

  • Q6

    Henry Morton Stanley fought in the American Civil War

    True or False
  • Q7

    How did Richard Burton disguise himself to go on an expedition

    He covered himself in bread crumbs and said he was a salad.

    He put henna on himself and said he was a Afghani doctor

    He took the blood of a donkey rubbed it on his clothes and claimed that he was a surgeon 

    He used his mother as a bodyguard

  • Q8

    Where did Richard Burton explore

    Mecca and Medina 

    Kinstoner and Fankland

    Pizzaro and Flandland


  • Q9

    What was the first thing Henry Morton Stanley said to Dr. Livingstone when they met in Africa

    I think I will have fried frogs for dinner, how about you?

    Dr. Livingstone, I presume?

    "Hello, I am Morton Stanley, what is your name?"

    Would you like to share a cup of tea with me, Dr. Livingstone

  • Q10

    Henry Morton Stanley worked in the Congo for Belgium's King Leopold II

    True or False

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