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Age of Jackson 3

Quiz by Scott Burns

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17 questions
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  • Q1
    Who did Andrew Jackson defeat at the Battle of New Orleans?
    The Duke York
    King George
    General Braddock
    General Pakenham
  • Q2
    Who did the caucus system select in 1824 even though he wasn't fit because of a stroke?
    Henry Clay
    Andrew Jackson
    John Adams
    William Crawford
  • Q3
    By the 1830s who had the vote?
    all white males and Jewish people
    whites who owned property
    all white men and wealthy widows
    all white males
  • Q4
    Although Andrew Jackson was born in the Carolina border area,
    Illinois became his adopted state.
    Kentucky became his adopted state.
    Tennessee became his adopted state.
    Arkansas became his adopted state.
  • Q5
    The spoils system connects to what other word?
  • Q6
    Who believed a state could void out a federal law they thought was unfair?
    John Quincy Adams
    Andrew Jackson
    Thomas Jefferson
    John C. Calhoun
  • Q7
    On the surface the Nullification crisis was about the tariff, in reality it was also about
    protecting slavery.
    protecting American farmers.
    American merchants.
    protecting American manufacturers.
  • Q8
    What label would Jackson put on South Carolina's refusal to collect tariffs on imported goods?
  • Q9
    The Nullification Crisis was not a total loss for South Carolina. It got
    a lower tariff on imported goods.
    new weapons for the state militia.
    federal money to help build southern factories.
    federal money to help planters buy more slaves.
  • Q10
    What law drastically changed the way of life for southeastern tribes?
    The Indian Removal Act of 1840
    The Indian Removal Act of 1830
    The Land Confiscation Act of 1830
    The Indian Removal Act of 1820
  • Q11
    The Cherokee were in big trouble when gold was discovered on their ___ lands.
    South Carolina
  • Q12
    If there had been greater opposition to president Jackson, what action could have gotten him impeached?
    starting the bank war with Nicholas Biddle
    sending Federal troops to South Carolina
    threatening Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun
    participating in the illegal seizure of Georgia lands
  • Q13
    Which bank handled the government's money during Andrew Jackson's first term?
    The Fourth Bank of the United States
    The Second Bank of the United States
    The Third Bank of the United States
    The First Bank of the United States
  • Q14
    What did Henry Clay believe would happen if Jackson vetoed his bank recharter scheme?
    Jackson would lose his fortune.
    Jackson would have to resign his office.
    Jackson would be impeached.
    Clay would narrowly win the presidency.
  • Q15
    How did Andrew Jackson cripple the Bank of the United States after he vetoed the recharter bill?
    He had a warrant made out for Henry Clay's arrest.
    He ordered Nicholas Biddle to go to Europe.
    He put federal money into state banks.
    He leaked details of a federal investigation about the bank.

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