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Age of Revolutions Review

Quiz by Van Atta, Heather

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What played a key role in the revolutions in Latin America?
    European monarchs redrew borders.
    Leaders were inspired by communism.
    European politicians redrew colonial borders.
    Leaders were inspired by the Enlightenment.
  • Q2
    What influential idea is Locke referring to when he says, "Whensoever… the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society… they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands… and it devolves to the people"?
    Revolutions are betrayals of the majority by the minority.
    It's the obligation of the people to revolt against governments that act against the people's interests.
    The government has absolute power.
    The government has the power to use any means to enforce the rule of law.
  • Q3
    What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?
    To punish Napoleon for war crimes.
    To restructure the balance of power in Europe.
    To weaken the power of the Pope in Europe
    To negotiate Napoleon's return to power.
  • Q4
    Who said this, and why?: "With sincere heart and unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies… and I swear that in the future I will never again say… anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me."
    Kepler made this statement after his heliocentric model was disproven.
    Galieo made this statement under duress after he was convicted of contradicting Catholic theology.
    Galileo said this after his heliocentric model fo the solar system was disproven.
    Kepler said this after he was convicted of contradicting Catholic theology.
  • Q5
    According to Rousseau's statement that "each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will, and in a ody we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole," what were citizens expected to do as part of the social contract?
    Set aside their individial desires in favor of the interests of society.
    Overthrow governments that don't respect natural rights.Protect individual rights and limit the influence of religion in the government.
    Respect separation of poewrs and fight the concentration of authority.
  • Q6
    What individuals are associated with the ideas of (1) natural rights and (2) separation of powers?
    Smith and Machiavelli
    Rousseau and Luther
    Locke and Montesquieu
    Voltaire and Bacon
  • Q7
    Which BEST describes the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo?
    Napoleon's grand army was victorious over forces led by Tsar Alexander I.
    Napoleon's grand army was forced to retreat because they lacked supplies and food.
    Napoleon's victory allowed him to crown himself emperor.
    Napoleon was defeated by British and Prussian forces.
  • Q8
    Who is the anecdote about an apple falling from a tree and inspiring gravity associated with?
  • Q9
    How were the abolutist monarchs of Russia and France similar?
    They allowed nobles to hold great power.
    They claimed to rule by divine right.
    They believed legislative bodies should make laws.
    They belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Q10
    Who would be least likely to be in attendance at the "Wakening of the King" or other elaborate rituals held by King Louis XIV at Versailles?
    Members of the Second Estate
    Members of the Third Estate
    Members of the Royal Family
    Members of the First Estate
  • Q11
    Which scientist proved that Copernicus' theory about the relationship between the position of the sun and planets was correct?
  • Q12
    What were the results of the slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, which started in 1791?
    The French defeated the rebels by convincing the creoles that the rebellion would lead to too much violence.
    Toussaint L'Ouverture's forces drove out the French and established an independent government.
    Toussaint L'Ouverture's forces were defeated and their leader executed.
    The French created a new constitution and gave them equality.
  • Q13
    Which was one of the MAIN goals of the Congress of Vienna?
    Signing a peace treaty with Napoleon.
    Encouraging the overthrow of remaining European monarchies.
    Establishing a new balance of power in Europe.
    Dividing the German Federation into independent states.
  • Q14
    What do these three statements refer to: A stationary body will stay stationary unless an external force is applied to it; Force is equal to mass times acceleration; For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    Newton's Three Laws Governing Bodies in Motion
    Kepler's Three Laws Governing Bodies in Motion
    Galileo's Laws of Planetary Physics
    The Copernican Laws of Universal Orbit
  • Q15
    What weakened France's absolutist rulers like Louis XVI?
    Sharing power with the nobility and clergy.
    Draining the treasury to finance costly wars.
    Ignoring military spending to finance palaces.
    Allowing constitutional laws and liberaties.

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