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AH2 Unit 2 Study Guide

Quiz by Amy Burger

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    Which factor contributed to the decline of political machines?
    passage of suffrage for women
    demands of nativists
    passage of civil service reforms
    introduction of the spoils system
  • Q2
    Use the information in the list to help answer the question. Election of 1912 • restore economic opportunities • correct social injustice • regulate big businesses • restore control of the government to the people
  • Q3
    Use the excerpt below to answer the question. In particular, the party declares for direct primaries for the nomination of State and National officers, for nation-wide preferential primaries for candidates for the presidency; for the direct election of United States Senators by the people; and we urge on the States the policy of the short [simplified] ballot, with responsibility to the people secured by the initiative, referendum and recall. —The Progressive Party Platform, 1912 Which question is BEST answered by this excerpt?
    How did local reform movements change voting laws?
    Which amendments were passed through the efforts of the Progressive Party?
    How did political groups enact term limits for politicians?
    How did the 20th Amendment affect the Progressive Party?
  • Q4
    Which political party is discussed in this excerpt? Unhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power, undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new party offers itself as the instrument of the people to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler commonwealth. —Theodore Roosevelt, August 1912
    the Progressive Party
    know Nothings
  • Q5
    Which amendment granted suffrage to women?
  • Q6
    How did the Progressive Party affect the outcome of the 1912 U.S. presidential election?
    The Progressives won
    It gave more votes to Republicans
    It contributed to a Democratic victory by dividing the Republican vote.
    The Progressives became a main political party
  • Q7
    Which policy was supported by Populists?
    tax breaks for the rich
    the gold standard
    immigration restrictions
    Govt Control of RRs
  • Q8
    Who was more likely to support William Jennings Bryan?
    Farmers who were in debt
    Wealthy landowners
  • Q9
    What was the primary purpose of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?
    to offer bank loans to successful businesses
    to provide retired workers with pensions
    to allow banks to print paper money
    to establish stability in the financial system
  • Q10
    What led to the increase of people in cities
    Industries provided steady wages for workers.
    Southern Agriculture declined
    Petroluem Production increased in urban areas
    Western Reigions experienced environmental problems
  • Q11
    How did the contributions of post-Reconstruction businessmen such as Carnegie and Vanderbilt affect the United States?
    Their entrepreneurship helped the United States become a world industrial power.
    Their focus on foreign trade encouraged the movement of U.S. companies abroad.
    Their donations to the arts encouraged an increase in the U.S. tourism industry.
    Their generous charities helped foster a system of social welfare in the United States.
  • Q12
    Which factor contributed to the formation of trusts in the 1800s?
    Decreased prices to force competitors out of business
    Limited access to credit needed by small businesses
    Desire to establish a uniform system of mass production
    Concern for rising prices of consumer products
  • Q13
    Which business is an example of vertical integration?
    a company that makes lightbulbs and heavy machinery
    a clothing store that sells business attire and cologne
    an oil company that purchases gas stations
    an internet provider that purchases a television network
  • Q14
    . What was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887) and the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)?
    To favor big business over small companies
    To regulate some aspects of business
    To expand the positive features of the trusts
    To move toward government ownership of key industries
  • Q15
    What was one result of the 1894 Pullman Strike?
    Workers appealed to the federal government for minimum wage legislation.
    Business owners appealed to the federal government during labor disputes.
    The federal government outlawed unsafe forms of public transportation.
    The federal government required unions to engage in collective bargaining.

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