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Albinism in East Africa

Quiz by John LaFevers

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    What is albinism?
    A disease caused by a virus
    A genetic condition that results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes.
    An autoimmune disorder
    A type of skin cancer
    A genetic condition that results in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes.
  • Q2
    What is the prevalence of albinism in East Africa?
    Higher than in other parts of the world
    About the same as in other parts of the world
    Higher than in other parts of the world
    Lower than in other parts of the world
  • Q3
    What is the cause of albinism?
    A genetic mutation
    A bacterial infection
    Exposure to sunlight
    A genetic mutation
    An allergic reaction
  • Q4
    What are some common health problems associated with albinism?
    Skin cancer and vision problems
    Arthritis and asthma
    Skin cancer and vision problems
    Heart disease and diabetes
    Cancer and hearing loss
  • Q5
    What is the most effective way to prevent skin cancer in people with albinism?
    Avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight and using sunscreen
    Exercising regularly
    Avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight and using sunscreen
    Eating a healthy diet
    Taking vitamin supplements
  • Q6
    Why are people with albinism in East Africa at an increased risk of violence and discrimination?
    Because they are believed to be possessed by evil spirits
    Because of superstitions and beliefs that their body parts have magical powers
    Because of superstitions and beliefs that their body parts have magical powers
    Because they are more likely to commit crimes
    Because of their physical appearance
  • Q7
    What is being done to address the issue of violence against people with albinism in East Africa?
    Increased punishment for perpetrators
    Forcing people with albinism to hide their condition
    Increased education and advocacy efforts
    Increased education and advocacy efforts
    Encouraging people with albinism to move to other countries
  • Q8
    What is the life expectancy for people with albinism in East Africa?
    About the same as the general population
    Higher than the general population
    Lower than the general population
    Lower than the general population
  • Q9
    Can albinism be cured?
    Yes, with a special diet
    Yes, with medication
    Yes, with surgery
  • Q10
    What can people without albinism do to support those with the condition?
    Educate themselves and advocate for their rights
    Make fun of people with albinism
    Ignore the issue
    Avoid people with albinism
    Educate themselves and advocate for their rights
  • Q11

    What country, where the video started, has become infamous for the killing and maiming of albino people?�

    Saudi Arabia

    South Africa



  • Q12

    What country has seen a recent rise in the number of violent acts against people with albinism due to more strict laws being passed in Tanzania?






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