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All Quiet on the Western Front Ch. 1-3

Quiz by Melinda Stinson

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What does the opening scene where the soldiers receive double rations reveal about war?
    The benefits that can come to strong soldiers
    The senseless need to follow orders
    The importance of camaraderie in war
    The brutality and destruction of war
  • Q2
    What is the significance of the following line from p. 12: "There were thousands of Kantoreks, all of whom were convinced that they were acting for the best--in a way that cost them nothing."
    He is showing how the war effort is hurt by those who chose not to go to war
    The author is showing how the young soldiers were often pushed into war by well-meaning teachers and leaders
    He shows how angry the men were that their teacher had not joined them at the front
    He is revealing the evil intentions of teachers and others who convinced students to go to war
  • Q3
    What is ironic about the fact that Kantorek has written to Kropp that they are all "Iron Youth"?
    The boys all saw themselves as strong and did not need to be reminded
    The boys read the letter right in the middle of a battle in which they are very scared
    The boys had just visited Kemmerich, who was dying
    Kantorek wrote this right before he died
  • Q4
    What does the description of Corporal Himelstoss show about the nature of war?
    War allowed everyday people to become strong soldiers
    The structure of the military was set up to favor the foot soldiers
    The initial training for soldiers prepares them well for the battles ahead
    Some soldiers use the military as a way to feel more powerful and superior to others
  • Q5
    What do the descriptions of Katczinsky reveal about his role within the group?
    He serves as a wise provider and protector of the group
    His bitterness and anger often spreads to other members of the group
    He often leads the group on dangerous and misguided missions
    The group often has to help encourage him to face the perils of war
  • Q6
    What is the significance of the following line on p. 41? "Give 'em all the same grub and all the same pay and the war would be over and done in a day."
    This explains Katczinsky's plan to escape from his duties in the military.
    This is part of Katczinsky's belief that those who command the armies don't suffer the true hardships of war
    This line is Katczinsky's way of showing that he supports the current war efforts
    This shows Katczinsky's desire to become an officer
  • Q7
    What do Kropp's theories on p. 41 show about his belief on war?
    He thinks that the soldiers should follow the commands of their superior officers
    He thinks it is honorable to die in war
    He feels like the soldiers should be given more food and pay
    He feels that those who make the decisions to go to war should be the ones doing the actual fighting
  • Q8
    What is Tjaden's motivation for attacking Himmelstoss?
    He wanted to take over Himmelstoss' position
    He thought Himmelstoss treated his friends unfairly
    He thought Himmelstoss was unpatriotic
    Himmelstoss punished him by making him sleep in bunks with another bed-wetter

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