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ALLT 2018

Quiz by Ferhana

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    An outline of subjects in a course or progamme is known as:
    Work plan
  • Q2
    An exercise in which students listen to a recording to get the overall meaning is known as?
    skim listening task
    comprehension task
    gist listening task
    scan listening task
  • Q3
    In pronunciation, intonation is:
    an accent related to a particular town/region
    a combination of word and sentence stress
    the rise and fall of the voice in speaking
    words pronounced in a high pitch voice
  • Q4
    The term realia describes:
    Reality T.V.
    A real or authentic recording such as a radio news broadcast
    Words reflecting real or material things, not ideas
    Objects a teacher takes into class to aid learning
  • Q5
    IELTS stands for:
    International Education Learning Transition System
    International English Language Testing System
    International English Learning and Teaching Studies
    Internet English Learning and Testing System

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