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Am I Ready Intro and Nature of Science

Quiz by Mandy McDougal

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45 questions
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  • Q1
    An experiment is conducted to determine the effects of different levels of caffeine on exercise performance. In this experiment, what are the levels of caffeine?
    controlled variables
    summary statistic
    Independent variable
    dependent variable
  • Q2
    A class conducted an experiment using 5 plants. The first plant received only water. The remaining plants received varying amounts of a liquid fertilizer added to their water. The class wanted to know which plant would show the greatest amount of growth. What is the control in this experiment?
    giving one plant water
    measuring plant growth
    using two plants
    giving one plant water with fertilizer
  • Q3
    Patients with a specific medical condition have been provided with a new device that helps them manage their condition. The patients will be required to participate in a survey regarding the usefulness of these devices. How can the manufacturer be certain that no bias enters into surveys?
    by providing a toll free number in case there are questions about the devices
    by having a second, independent party conduct the survey
    by paying the patients for their participation
    by waiting until the survey is completed to sell the device
  • Q4
    In order to sequence their genomes, a scientist wants to separate protists from a sample of pond water. Which would be most helpful in removing the protists from the water?
    computer hardware
    gel electorphoresis
  • Q5
    What is the appropriate tool to determine the amount of cells in a specimen?
    meter stick
    triple beam balance
    graduated cylinder
  • Q6
    Which is an example of applied science?
    developing new medicines
    formulating the cell theory
    discovering the law of independent assortment
    generating hypotheses on the origin of life
  • Q7
    Scientists who research ways to make more effective fertilizer are using knowledge on the nitrogen cycle and plant development. Which type of science are plant development and the nitrogen cycle information examples from?
    applied sceince
    pure science
    technological science
    microscopic science
  • Q8
    Scientists who research ways to make more effective fertilizer are using knowledge on the nitrogen cycle and plant development. Which type of science is making more effective fertilizer from?
    technological science
    microscopic science
    pure science
    applied science
  • Q9
    Why are ethics important in science?
    provides interesting topics to study
    reflects the values of everyone in the community
    keeps research within moral boundaries
    allows controversial issues to be resolved
  • Q10
    Which statement is true of ethical parameters used by scientists?
    used only for studies involving new medicines
    used only for research projects involving animals
    used to prevent unnecessary suffering or harm to all organisms
    used to prevent researchers from paying their subjects
  • Q11
    A scientist develops a new strain of corn;then receives a large grant from the government to determine how well the new corn grow. She is also responsible for choosing where the new strain of corn will be grown and collecting data on its growth and yield. When the study is completed, she will also write the final report. Which is the most likely source of bias in this experiment?
    The scientist is making conclusions about the product that she developed.
    The scientist may take too much time to finish the reports.
    The scientist does not grow any corn because of drought.
    The scientist grows the corn in the most fertile soil.
  • Q12
    Graduated cylinders are for:
    measuring small volumes
    heating liquids
    mixing chemicals
    generating gases from boiling liquids
  • Q13
    When you must sniff a solution to detect an odor, be sure to:
    carefully hold it up to your nostrils
    blow your nose before and afterward
    have your lab partner smell it first
    hold it away from your face and waft the odors
  • Q14
    Helping to clean up the laboratory is the job of:
    the last class of the day
    the custodian and the teacher
    all students
    someone from your lab group
  • Q15
    If you do not understand a direction or part of a lab procedure, you should
    try several methods until something works
    figure it out as you do the lab
    ask your partner or skip it and come back to it later
    ask your teacher

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