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American Revolution

Quiz by Brice Noggle

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    What War immediately preceded the American Revolution?

    Napoleon's War

    World War 1

    War of 1812

    French and Indian War

  • Q2

    Who was the General of the Colonists Army?

    John Oglethorpe

    Tracy McGrady

    John Adams

    George Washington

  • Q3

    What Tax was imposed on Georgia?

    Tampering Tax

    Tea Tax

    Stamp Tax

    Road Tax

  • Q4

    What event led to the death of civilians during the beginning of the Revolution

    Boston Massacre

    Boston Tea Party

    Tea Tax Incident

  • Q5

    What is the other name for the Townsend Acts?

    Intolerable Acts

    Massacre Acts

    Tea Acts

    Stamp Acts


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