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American Revolution

Quiz by Jessica Hayden

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18 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following was an ECONOMIC factor that led to the American Revolution?
    Shots at Lexington and Concord
    Taxes imposed by the Stamp Act
    The colonists moving into unclaimed lands
    Parliament holding elections
  • Q2
    What was an effect of the Intolerable Acts?
    The Sons of Liberty threw tea overboard in protest for bad tea
    Colonists sent a petition to the King, and tried to repeal the Stamp Act
    The East India Tea company went bankrupt due to financial problems
    Boston Harbor was closed and colonists were forced to pay for dumped tea
  • Q3
    What event led to Britain’s large debt that needed to be paid back by the colonists?
    Intolerable Act
    French and Indian War
    Stamp Act
    Lexington and Concord
  • Q4
    Which of the following caused colonists to protest with the cry, “no taxation without representation?”
    colonists’ victory in the French and Indian War
    colonists taking part in the Boston Tea Party
    colonists having no vote or say in the British Parliament
    colonists did not like the East India Tea Company
  • Q5
    What was the main purpose of the Tea Act?
    punish the Sons of Liberty for throwing tea in Boston Harbor
    To tax the colonists for making tea
    To allow colonists to sell tea, as long as they paid the tax
    To give the East India Company a monopoly to sell tea in the colonies
  • Q6
    According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government does not do its job for its people, what right do the people have?
    The right to change their government
    The right to leave the country
    The right to become citizens of another country
    The right to go to war against the government
  • Q7
    In the Declaration of Independence, the phrase “All men are created equal” was originally NOT true for which group of people?
    African Americans
    Land owners
  • Q8
    Which of the following is NOT included in the Declaration of Independence?
    Ideas that are considered important for America’s government
    Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense
    A list of grievances against King George III
    Reasons for why the rights of the American people had been violated
  • Q9
    What rights does the Declaration of Independence state are inalieanable and undeniable?
    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
    Citizenship, owning land, and the right to own slaves
    Voting, freedom, and rights to be in government
    Democracy, taxation, and representation
  • Q10
    Why was the Battle of Bunker (Breed’s) Hill considered a “key” battle of the Revolutionary War?
    The British learned that the Americans were heavily armed
    It was the first battle of the American Revolution
    The British surrendered due to the Americans knowledge and ability
    The Americans learned they could stand up to the British, but would need help
  • Q11
    What was an effect of the Battle of Saratoga?
    The British soundly defeated the Colonists, but were given heavy casualties
    The French decided to help the Colonists with supplies
    The Revolutionary War came to an end with the British surrender
    The colony of South Carolina was taken over by the British at Fort Moultrie
  • Q12
    Which of the following was NOT a factor that contributed to the end of the Revolution?
    The French navy blockaded the British from entering the harbor at Yorktown
    King George III called for a surrender at Charleston due to a lack of supplies for the British
    Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated a peace treaty with Britain
    The British were surrounded on land and sea by the French and the Americans
  • Q13
    Which of the following was NOT an effect or characteristic of the battles at Lexington and Concord? (4-3.3) a. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired b. The British claimed the land won in the French and Indian War c. The Second Continental Congress met and named a Commander-in-Chief d. The event became known as the “shot heard round the world” because of its impact
    The Second Continental Congress met and named a Commander-in-Chief
    The event became known as the “shot heard round the world” because of its impact
    The British claimed the land won in the French and Indian War
    The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired
  • Q14
    Which battle showed how the cooperation of the Continental Army and irregular partisan forces could lead to a victory for the Americans?
    Battle of Lexington
    Battle of Charleston
    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Battle of Cowpens
  • Q15
    Which of the following was NOT an effect on African Americans or slaves after the American Revolution?
    The fear of liberating slaves caused many to place more control over them
    Southern landowners’ dependence on slavery remained high
    The North’s economy began to change, requiring more slave labor in those states
    States in the North passed laws to release their slaves

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