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American Revolution

Quiz by Jennifer Hencken

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23 questions
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  • Q1
    What was the American's strategy to win the Revolutionary War?
    defend land and property
    use the land to their advantage
    all of the them
    small battles of better
  • Q2
    What was the significance of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
    British lost
    Americans more deaths than British
    first major battle of the revolution
    British easy to defeat
  • Q3
    What was the significance of the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
    all of them
    shot heard round the world
    Colonists lost Lexington
    Colonists won Concord
  • Q4
    What was the significance of the Battle of Long Island?
    battle in New Jersey
    1400 Americans killed, wounded, captured
    British lost
  • Q5
    Which one is NOT an example of Washington's leadership?
    good for moral and troop loyalty
    lost all the battles
    skilled commander
    good battle strategy
  • Q6
    Which country did NOT provide foreign assistance in the American Revolution?
  • Q7
    What was the last major battle of the American Revolution?
    Battle of Yorktown
    Battle of Saratoga
    Battle of Princeton
    Battle of Trenton
  • Q8
    Which was NOT a result of the Battle of Saratoga?
    took control of the Mississippi River
    gave French a reason to support American troops
    lifted American spirits
    ended British control of New England
  • Q9
    During which battle did Washington cross the Delaware River at night?
    Question Image
    Battle of Saratoga
    Battle of Princeton
    Battle of Concord
    Battle of Trenton
  • Q10
    What plan wanted to control the Hudson River using 3 different armies from 3 different directions?
    Washington's Plan
    Burgoyne's Plan
    Rochambeau's Plan
    Cornwallis' Plan
  • Q11
    Which of the following are causes of the American Revolution?
    all of them
    No representation in parliament
    Taxation without representation
    various acts passed by King George III against the colonies
  • Q12
    Which of the following was a commander of the British army?
    Charles Cornwallis
    Thomas Payne
    Nathanial Greene
    Comte de Rochambeau
  • Q13
    Who commanded the American navy?
    Paul Revere
    George Washington
    John Paul Jones
    Nathanial Greene
  • Q14
    Not having gold or silver backing is an example of the ___.
    strengths of the Americans
    American strategy to win
    Problems with the continental currency
    British strategy to win
  • Q15
    Who made the famous ride to warn the colonists the British were coming?
    Question Image
    King George III
    George Washington
    Thomas Payne
    Paul Revere

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