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An exploration of Act 4, Scenes 1 to 3

Quiz by Oak National Academy: GCSE English Edexcel

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    In 'Macbeth', why is Macbeth's reign over Scotland unnatural?
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  • Q2
    In Act 1 of 'Macbeth', why does Malcolm, King Duncan's eldest son, flee to England?
    He is scared that the person who killed his father will also kill him.
    Banquo tells him to, suspecting Macbeth of regicide.
    He wants to rule England, not Scotland.
    He wants to escape the responsibility of being King.
    Macbeth forces him to.
  • Q3
    At the end of Act 3 of 'Macbeth', what does Macbeth decide to do?
    Kill Banquo
    Ask the witches for more information about his reign
    Separate from Lady Macbeth.
    Ask the witches to kill Banquo's ghost.
    Hire murderers to kill Fleance.
  • Q4
    On the night King Duncan was killed in 'Macbeth', Lennox says the weather was terrible: "the earth Was feverous and did ______."
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  • Q5
    In Act 3, Scene 5 of 'Macbeth', Lennox and a Lord talk about Macbeth. They describe him as a 'tyrant'. What is a tyrant?
    A tyrant is a character in a play who does evil things.
    A tyrant is someone who uses supernatural power to get what they want.
    A tyrant is a monarch.
    A tyrant is someone who uses their power in an unjust way.
    A tyrant is someone who uses their power morally.
  • Q6
    In Act 3, Scene 1 of 'Macbeth', Macbeth complains that he has no legacy as Banquo's sons will become kings. He says the witches put a "Barren ______ in my gripe."
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