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Animal Farm - Chapters 7 & 8

Quiz by Carly Thompson

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Why is life not as good on Animal Farm?
    The animals are always cold and always hungry.
    Benjamin is causing everyone to feel depressed.
    Boxer makes everyone work too hard.
  • Q2
    What do the animals find most inspirational?
    Boxer’s efforts.
    The dogs’ barking.
    Squealer’s speeches.
  • Q3
    Napoleon and the other pigs need to hide the food situation on the farm because:
    They don’t want the human world to know they have mismanaged the farm.
    They don’t want the animals who are working so hard to notice there is less food than before.
    They want to starve the animals to death to punish them for not working hard enough.
  • Q4
    What do the men destroy on Animal Farm?
    The Cowshed
    The Windmill
    The Barn
  • Q5
    What is the real reason that Napoleon thinks he is dying?
    He was wounded very badly by Frederick’s gun.
    He was drunk the night before and now has a hangover.
    Snowball poisoned him.

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