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Antebellum America

Quiz by Larson, Vallarie

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17 questions
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  • Q1
    All of the following crops dominated southern agriculture except:
  • Q2
    The cotton gin, invented by this man, revolutionized the removal of cotton seeds from cotton.
    Eli Whitney
    Sojourner Truth
    Nat Turner
    Frederick Douglas
  • Q3
    Which of the following were freed African Americans in the south NOT ALLOWED to do?
    travel freely
    All of these
    hold certain jobs (usually jobs high in society)
  • Q4
    The temperance movement was worried that this was causing many of the problems in society and people needed to quit.
    Video Games
  • Q5
    This slave spent time in Illinois, a free state, and thus sued for his freedom. The Supreme Court ruled he was still a slave and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
    Nat Turner
    Dred Scott
    William Lloyd Garrison
    Frederick Douglas
  • Q6
    This man published the abolitionist newspaper, the Liberator, and helped form the American Anti-Slavery Society.
    Nat Turner
    Eli Whitney
    Sojourner Truth
    William Lloyd Garrison
  • Q7
    Cash Crops are
    A law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves
    Stories that often provide a moral lesson
    Crops that are grown to be sold or exported
    Laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
  • Q8
    Folktales are
    A law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves
    A person that wants to do away with slavery
    Stories that often provide a moral lesson
    Laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
  • Q9
    Slave codes are
    A person who wants to do away with slavery
    A law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves
    Laws passed that restrict the rights of slaves
    A network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
  • Q10
    Nat Turner was
    a person that wants to do away with slavery
    a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
    abolitionist who helped slaves escape through the underground railroad
    a slave leader who led a rebellion to end slavery
  • Q11
    Abolitionists are
    people who want to do away with slavery
    a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
    laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
    crops that are grown to be sold or exported
  • Q12
    Fugitive Slave Act is
    a law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves
    a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
    an antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
  • Q13
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was
    a law that made it a crime to help escaped slaves
    an antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    Stories that often provide a moral lesson
    laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
  • Q14
    The Underground Railroad was
    an antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
    A person that wants to do away with slavery
    Laws passed that greatly restricted the rights of slaves
  • Q15
    Harriet Tubman was
    Abolitionist who helped slaves escape through the underground railroad
    slave leader who led a rebellion to end slavery
    a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north
    a person who wants to do away with slavery

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