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AP Biology Evolution Vocabulary Quiz

Quiz by Lyndsay Cumpton

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  • Q1
    A process in which organisms with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than are organisms without those traits.
    natural selection
    artificial selection
  • Q2
    The evolution of similar features in independent evolutionary lineages.
    Divergent evolution
    Analogous Structures
    Convergent evolution
    Homologous Structures
  • Q3
    A permanent, heritable change in the nucleotide sequence in a gene or a chromosome; the process in which such a change occurs in a gene or in a chromosome
    Genetic Drift
  • Q4
    A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain constant - and remain in this equilibrium across generations -- unless a disturbing influence is introduced.
    Survival of the Fitests
    Hardy-Weinberg Principle
    Evolution theory
    Origin of Species
  • Q5
    Genetic drift resulting from the reduction of a population, typically by a natural disaster, such that the surviving population is no longer genetically representative of the original population.
    Bottleneck Effect
    Gene Flow
    Founder Effect
    Gene pool
  • Q6
    individual reproductive success and is equal to the average contribution to the gene pool of the next generation that is made by individuals of the specified genotype or phenotype.
    Natural Selection
    Adaptive Radiation
    Relative Fitness
    Genetic Drift
  • Q7
    The process of natural selection involving the genome for a species directionally choosing certain genes to remain prominent in the species, such as a growth in size in response to predation
    Stabilizing Selections
    Directional selection
    Sexual Selection
    Divergent Selection
  • Q8
    This type of selection favors both the extremes at the expense of the average.
    Directional Selection
    Disruptive Selection
    Stabilizing Selection
    Sexual Selection
  • Q9
    A form of natural selection in which, according to Darwin's theory, the male or female is attracted by certain characteristics, form, color, behavior, etc., in the opposite sex; thus modifications of a special nature are brought about in the species.
    Divergent selection
    Stabilizing Selection
    Directional selection
    Sexual Selection
  • Q10
    the case in which the heterozygote genotype has a higher relative fitness than either the homozygote dominant or homozygote recessive genotype.
    Homozygous advantage
    Heterozygote advantage
    Heterozygote disadvantage
    Carrier advantage
  • Q11
    The process in which new genetically distinct species evolve usually as a result of genetic isolation from the main population.
    Postzygotic barrier
    Prezygotic barrier
    Convergent Evolution
  • Q12
    gene Flow is prevented between two populations of the same species. Reproductive isolating mechanisms are factors like different mating seasons or calls
    Behavior Isolation
    Reproductive Isolation
    Gametic Isolation
    Allopatric Speciaton
  • Q13
    A reproductive barrier that impedes mating between species or hinders fertilization of ova if interspecific mating is attempted.
    Preqygotic Barrier
    Reproductive Isolation
    Geographic Isolation
    Postzygotic Barrier
  • Q14
    A speciation in which biological populations are physically isolated by an extrinsic barrier and evolve intrinsic (genetic) reproductive isolation, such that if the barrier breaks down, individuals of the population can no longer interbreed.
    Habitat Isolation
    Allopatric speciation
    Sympatric Speciation
    Reproductive Isolation
  • Q15
    A speciation in which new species evolve from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic region.
    Allopatric speciation
    Sympatric speciation
    Adaptive Radiation

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