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AP Classroom Unit 8 Progress Check

Quiz by Danica Layne

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is the primary reason for using the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?
    To use a reliable classification system for mental disorders
    To obtain statistics on the death rates of people with a certain cancer
    To determine whether a person should be labeled with a psychological disorder
    To assist individuals in self-diagnosis of mental disorders
    To help a psychologist diagnose an individual with multiple personality disorder
  • Q2
    What term associated with psychological disorders best describes a thought, feeling, or behavior that is atypical or rare?
  • Q3
    What is an appropriate reason for a clinician to break confidentiality?
    Option 3
    The clinician needs to ask another clinician advice about a particular client, and it is impossible to do so while maintaining the client’s anonymity.
    A husband asks details about his wife’s therapy.
    The clinician wants to publish findings based on conclusions from a client’s treatment to inform the community of a successful therapeutic strategy.
    The client is a danger to self or others.
    An adult client's parent wants to know what the client discusses with the clinician in therapy.
  • Q4
    Dr. Freddy believes that the development of schizophrenia is solely caused by biological factors. Which of the following is NOT accounted for by this belief?
    Excess amounts of dopamine are often found in people exhibiting schizophrenia.
    Individuals whose mother was exposed to the flu virus during pregnancy have a greater possibility of developing schizophrenia later in life.
    Drug therapy is the most common treatment for schizophrenia.
    If one member of a set of identical twins develops schizophrenia, the other twin has an almost 50 percent chance of also developing schizophrenia.
    Individuals with schizophrenia typically have enlarged brain ventricles.
  • Q5
    Which scenario is most closely related to the results of the 1973 Rosenhan study?
    When his hands and feet began to tingle, Rodie believed that he was experiencing a catastrophic physical illness and sought medical attention.
    After Andy received a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, his family interpreted all of his behaviors as symptoms of his diagnosis.
    Even though he was highly distressed, when Teddy reported that he was hearing voices, no one believed him.
    After frowning through her family’s dinner, Rebekka felt more depressed than she had before the dinner began.
    After she shared her anxieties with her therapy group, Aurora reported that she was less stressed than she had been before.
  • Q6
    Which of the following individuals would most likely experience the lowest level of stigma because of their psychological disorder diagnosis?
    Yi, a woman, who was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa
    Mason, a man, who was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
    Mike, a man, who was diagnosed with alcohol use disorder
    Susan, a woman, who was diagnosed with major depressive disorder
    Ronaldo, a man, who was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa
  • Q7
    Bree, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, remains motionless for hours despite her family’s attempts to interact with her. What symptom is Bree demonstrating?
    Flat affect
  • Q8
    Jimmy has a difficult time paying attention in class. He often gets up from his seat, he demonstrates repetitive behaviors, and has difficulty making eye contact with others. What disorder is Jimmy most likely experiencing?
    Autism spectrum disorder
    Specific learning disorder
    Receptive-expressive language disorder
    Intellectual developmental disorder
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Q9
    Cheryl, who is 85, is having difficulty remembering her phone number and address; at times, she is unsure of where she is. Cheryl is most likely experiencing
    dissociative identity disorder
    autism spectrum disorder
    major neurocognitive disorder
  • Q10
    Oliver has been afraid to leave his house for several months. He cannot identify anything in particular that scares him, but he has begun having food and groceries delivered and keeps his shades drawn. Oliver most likely suffers from what disorder?
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    Major depression
    Borderline personality disorder
    Dissociative identity disorder
  • Q11
    Geraldine goes through a few weeks of feeling so sad that she can barely summon the energy to leave her bed. Then she will have an extended period of energy and productivity, during which she barely sleeps. Geraldine would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?
    Major depression
    Antisocial personality disorder
    Bipolar disorder
    Borderline personality disorder
  • Q12
    Every night as he readies for bed, Steven walks in a circle beside his bed five times, afraid that something terrible will happen if he does not. Then, after lying down, he fears that he did not count right, gets up, and repeats the circling. This cycle continues to the point that he gets little sleep. Steven most likely has what disorder?
    Generalized anxiety disorder
    Posttraumatic stress disorder
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    Bipolar disorder
    Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Q13
    Lena has experienced severe pain in her right arm for years, although her doctor can find no cause or external symptom for the pain. Lena would most likely be diagnosed with what psychological disorder?
    Generalized anxiety disorder
    Dissociative identity disorder
    Borderline personality disorder
    Somatic symptom disorder
    Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Q14
    Greg experienced trauma as a young child. Now as an adult, in times of stress, his voice and mannerisms change and he claims to be a different person. Greg’s symptoms are most in line with what psychological disorder?
    Anorexia nervosa
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    Dissociative identity disorder
    Antisocial personality disorder
  • Q15
    Ever since Minnie witnessed a serious car crash, she continues to have vivid nightmares and reacts with panic at any sudden noise. Minnie's symptoms are most indicative of what disorder?
    Bipolar disorder
    Panic disorder
    Posttraumatic stress disorder

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