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AP Govt Ch3 Federalism 3

Quiz by Mark Stegall

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  • Q1
    The doctrine of dual federalism maintains that __________
    the national government should initiate policies and then turn them over to the states for administration
    the national government and the states have authority over defined and mutually exclusive policy areas
    the national government and the states should share authority equal in all policy areas
    conflicts between the authority of the national government and the states should be resolved by the Supreme Court
  • Q2
    During the Civil War era, the Supreme Court ____________
    was a major influence on the great issues of the day
    was on the losing side of the impending conflict
    declared unconstitutional the attempt by Congress to restrict its jurisdiction
    ruled that the initial plan of Congress to reconstruct the South was unconstitutional
  • Q3
    The era of dual federalism ____________
    featured a decision of the US Supreme Court the upheld legislation that outlawed child labor
    represented a period in which the power of the federal government greatly overshadowed the power of the states
    was at its zenith when President Hayes ordered federal troops to remain in the South for at least two more decades
    came to an end as the American people looked to the federal government to address the problems created by the Great Depression
  • Q4
    President Roosevelt's "New Deal" included __________
    a hands-off approach to regulating labor relations
    open competition among businesses to improve the economy
    a laissez-faire plan to address unemployment and poverty issues
    large-scale emergency antipoverty programs
  • Q5
    What happened in 1937 that prompted the Supreme Court to cease its attempts to limit the power of the national government under the commerce clause?
    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and all parts of the government rallied around the president and his policy decisions
    Congress enacted legislation limiting the Supreme Court's jurisdiction
    Three members of the Supreme Court were killed in a train accident and Franklin Roosevelt was able to replace them with judges who were loyal to his policies
    Franklin Roosevelt proposed legisltationallowing him to appoint six additional members to the Supreme Court, sending a clear message that the Supreme Court shouldn't stand in his way any longer
  • Q6
    The Theory that the states and the national government could work together in solving the nation's problems is known as _________ federalism
  • Q7
    Aid to Families with Dependent Children (now known as Memory Assistance to Needy Families) was an example of _______ federalism
  • Q8
    One of the earliest examples of cooperative federalism is the national government __________
    transferring much of its military power to state militias
    providing land grants to the states to finance education
    requiring the states to lower the drinking age to 21
    allowing states to borrow money at low interest rates to improve prisons
  • Q9
    Federal grants to state or local governments that are for specific programs or projects are known as _________
    categorical grants
    block grants
    federal mandates
    revenue sharing
  • Q10
    In the 1980s and 1990s, the federal government provided funds to states for highway improvement based on the condition that states would __________
    raise the minimum drinking age to 21
    lower the speed limits in their jurisdictions
    lower the minimum drinking age to 18
    raise the speed limits in their jurisdictions
  • Q11
    Block grants consist of federal aid to state or local governments that is _________
    divided into discrete "blocks' of grants, each limited to $100 million
    tied to federal mandates that states or local government must then implement
    to be spent on a policy area decided on by the state or local government
    to be spent within a specified policy area, though the receiving state or local government can decide how to spend within that area
  • Q12
    Federal legislation that requires states to improve school accountability or air and water quality in order to receive federal funds are often tied to __________
    block grants
    categorical grants
    revenue sharing
    federal mandates
  • Q13
    Two examples, from Lyndon Johnson's administration, that illustrate the power of the national government to change society are ___________
    due process and the Vietnam War
    civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty
    strengthening rights of the accused and abolition of the death penalty
    the establishment of religious communities and the War on Drugs
  • Q14
    When the performance and policy preferences of the national and state governments are examined throughout the twentieth century, it is seen that __________
    Lyndon Johnson oversaw the greatest expansion of national authority since the New Deal
    the states, rather than the national government, have been used to achieve unprecedented levels of government intervention in the economy
    the status quo is rally altered through actions by the states, not the national government
    the states have been used to bring about major change in social policy much more so than the national government
  • Q15
    An ideological theme under new federalism that supports the idea of transferring power from the national government to sate and local governments is known as __________

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