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AP Lang & Composition

Quiz by Chelsea Williams

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    What should you eliminate?
    Question Image
    Correct Answers
    Similar Answers
    Wrong Answers
    Mark all the answers
  • Q2
    How long do you have to take the Multiple Choice section?
    Question Image
    60 min
    65 min
    30 min
    45 min
  • Q3
    How long do you have to answer each question?
    Question Image
    60 seconds
    15 seconds
    45 seconds
    30 seconds
  • Q4
    How many times you should read the passages?
    Question Image
    Three Times!!
    Skim Through it
  • Q5
    How fast should you take the test?
    Question Image
    Quick and Fast
    Pace Yourself
    Slow as a Snail

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