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AP US Gov't Finals Review D

Quiz by Joe Pilakowski

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    What does this map best represent?
    Question Image
    The 10th Amendment
    Separation of Powers
    Checks and Balances
  • Q2
    Burning the American flag has been controversial speech. Unsuccessful attempts to create an Amendment outlawing this speech show
    Question Image
    gerrymandering plays a big part in changes such as this.
    the Executive Branch has not been supportive of such measures.
    the filibuster is a strong tactic in Constitutional changes.
    the founding fathers made attempts to abridge freedom of speech difficult.
  • Q3
    Which of the following would most upset Brutus?
    The 10th Amendment
    Term Limits
    The Supremacy Clause
    Reserved Powers
  • Q4
    Which of the following 2 cases best tie to Federalism and the powers of states v. the federal government in the US?
    Brown v. Board and Baker v. Carr
    Schenck and NY Times v. US
    McCulloch and US v. Lopez
  • Q5
    Which of the following is the best use of the bully pulpit by the President
    President Nixon invoking executive privilege
    President Clinton attempting to use line-item veto
    President Trump delivering a televised address
    President Obama issuing an Executive Order
  • Q6
    Which of the following best illustrates a formal check on bureaucracy?
    The Sec'y of Defense being called to testify on Defense spending.
    A lobbyist representing the NRA talking to members of Congress
    A federal judge being impeached.
  • Q7
    What best reflects the 60 vote threshold in the Senate?
    The size of the Senate
    The fact that the VP breaks ties in the Senate
    Rules on the introduction of bills
    Debate Rules
  • Q8
    The number of political appointments available to the president are ________.

    confined to the Supreme Court and Cabinet only

    in place to allow the president complete control of the executive

    limited and constrained by the civil service

    confined only to military

  • Q9
    In. the Federalist #70 Hamilton argued for energy in the Executive. Which of the following best reflects that belief?
    A president quickly responding to an attack on America
    The Electoral College
    The Bureaucracy
    Executive Orders
  • Q10
    Congress is concerned about a number of rulings based upon Congressional laws. What is Congress' best course of action?
    Replace the Chief Justice
    Increase the number of justices
    Ratifying an Amendment
    Passing legislation to make interpretation easier to nullify their decisions
  • Q11
    A woman claims a recent search of her car violated her rights and liberties. Which best reflects her claims?
    4th Amendment
    14th Amendment Due Process Clause
    Elastic Clause
    Commerce Clause
  • Q12
    Which best ties to the 14th Amendment?
    The use of a new method of drugs in lethal injection capital punishments
    Protests supporting freedom of speech
    A home search by the police
    Civil Right leaders arguing in Brown v. Board of Education
  • Q13
    Which of the following would best illustrate Selective Incorporation?
    When there is conflict between the states and federal government
    a decision about Separation of Powers
    applying a decision individual liberties of the states as well as the federal government
    a wrongful termination of an employee based upon Title IX
  • Q14
    Which of the following cases best ties to the 2nd Amendment?
    McDonald v. Chicago
    Shaw v. Reno
    Baker v. Carr
    Schenck v. US
  • Q15
    Which of the following would be the strongest argument against the Electoral College?
    How small states continually dislike the College
    How candidates disproportionally spend time in battleground states
    How none of the small states matter at all
    How winner-take-all undermines state's rights

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