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Quiz by Michelle

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What does 'aperture' refer to in photography?
    The opening in the lens through which light passes
    The camera model used
    The image resolution
    The camera brand
  • Q2
    How does a larger aperture setting affect the depth of field in photography?
    It blurs the entire image
    It has no effect on the depth of field
    It decreases the depth of field
    It increases the depth of field
  • Q3
    What is the unit of measurement for aperture in photography?
    Contrast ratio
    F-stop or f-number
  • Q4
    What is the relationship between aperture size and the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor in photography?
    A larger aperture allows more light to reach the sensor
    Aperture size does not affect the amount of light reaching the sensor
    A smaller aperture allows more light to reach the sensor
    A larger aperture blocks light from reaching the sensor
  • Q5
    How does a wide aperture (small f-number) impact the background in a photograph?
    It sharpens the background
    It changes the background color
    It creates a blurry background
    It adds more detail to the background
  • Q6
    What effect does a small aperture (large f-number) have on the sharpness of images in photography?
    It increases the overall sharpness of the image
    It causes color distortion
    It blurs the image completely
    It decreases the overall sharpness of the image
  • Q7
    What is the main purpose of adjusting the aperture in photography?
    To change the camera's color balance
    To adjust the camera's focus
    To increase the camera's contrast
    To control the amount of light entering the camera
  • Q8
    How does a smaller aperture (larger f-number) affect the starburst effect in photography?
    It has no effect on the starburst effect
    It diminishes the starburst effect
    It enhances the starburst effect
    It creates a different lighting effect

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