ar vocabulary questions words and conjugation
Quiz by Jeremie, Joachim F
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24 questions
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- Q1descansarto resttoswimto studyto play30s
- Q2enseñarto teachto restto practiceto work30s
- Q3desearto prepareto wish or to wantto studyto walk30s
- Q4hablarto danceto haveto singto speak or to talk30s
- Q5necesitarto studyto needto prepareto watcjh30s
- Q6mirarto look or to watchto work or todrawto winto play or to call30s
- Q7trabajarto needto workto teachto draw30s
- Q8terminarto need or to talkto end or to finishto speak or to callto rest30s
- Q9prepararto workto watchto prepareto be ready30s
- Q10escucharto listento watchto prepareto repeat30s
- Q11estudiarto needto wantto studyto teach30s
- Q12practicarto studyto practiceto watchto draw30s
- Q13gustarto greetto guessto liketo teach30s
- Q14caminarto walkto drawto swimto come30s
- Q15Que quiere decir ;" yo camino a la escuela"I read in schoolI drive to schoolI walk to schoolI draw at school30s