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Are you Smarter than an 8th grader

Quiz by Esther Levy

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the expression that helps us remember the מִצְווֹת דְּרַבָּנַן?

    בסייעתא דשמיא

    מצות חיים

    נע בשמחה

  • Q2

    What are בִּכּוּרִים?

    The first fruit, but only of the Shivas Haminim

    The day on which Yidden would bring the first fruit

    Korban brought by the firstborn son

  • Q3

    What was the אוּרִים וְתּוּמִים?

    It was a gold plate with Hashem's name engraved on it

    It was a parchment with Hashem's name

    It was the little bells and pomegranate attached to the bottom of the מְעִיל

  • Q4

    Select the names of the שֶׁבַע נְבִיאוֹת:

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  • Q5

    From what hand do we cut our nails FIRST?



  • Q6

    What is עָרְלָה?

    The fruits of a tree older than 3 years

    A tree that is plated before ט"ו בִּשְׁבָט

    The fruits of a tree in the first 3 years of being planted

    A tree that is plated after ט"ו בִּשְׁבָט

  • Q7

    What lesson can we learn from the mitzvah of הַפְרָשַׁת חָלָה?

    We should not eat all the challah that we make

    We should take care of our kohanim

    We should dedicate to holiness a portion of anything that Hashem gives us

  • Q8

    What did the תּוֹרָה commanded us regarding שְׁמִיטָה?

    Don't eat the fruits of trees younger than 7 years (from being planted)

    The land must rest on the שְׁמִיטָה year

    You may start to work on the land again on the שְׁמִיטָה year

  • Q9

    What are עֵדוּת?

    Mitzvos that are easily understood

    Mitzvos that remind us of an historical event

    Mitzvos that we don't understand the reason

  • Q10

    What is the Torah source for the order of the months according to the Torah (based on the months)?

    On Rosh Chodesh Nissan Hashem told Moshe and Aharon "This should be to you the head of the months"

    Adam and Chava were created on Rosh Chodesh Tishrei

    Adam and Chava were created on Rosh Chodesh Nissan

  • Q11

    Why do we say מוֹדֶה אֲנִי when we wake up in the morning?

    To thank Hashem for returning our neshama to us

    To energize our neshama for a new day

    To show that we believe in Hashem

  • Q12

    What are מִצְווֹת בֵּין אָדָם לַמָּקוֹם?

    Mitzvos between a Jew and Hashem

    Mitzvos between a Jew and another

    Mitzvos that we don't understand

  • Q13

    What hint helps us remember the correct order of the brachos?

    נע בשמחה

    לא אדו ראש

    המגע אש

  • Q14

    Place the brachos we make on food in the order of importance

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  • Q15

    Who instituted the morning prayer (שַׁחֲרִית)?






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