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Areas Specialization Where Counselor Works

Quiz by Yanyan

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4 questions
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  • Q1

    Includes parent education, preschool counseling, early childhood education, elementary school counseling, child counseling in mental health agencies, and counseling with baterred and abused children.

    Child Development and Counseling


    Adolescent Development and Counseling

    Marital Relationship Counseling

  • Q2

    Includes pre marital counseling, marriage counseling, family counseling, sex education, sexual dysfunction counseling and divorce mediation

     Marital Relationship Counseling


    Child Development 

    Adolescent Development

  • Q3

    Covers middle and high school counseling, psychological education, career development specialist, adolescent counseling in mental health agencies and youth probation officer

    Adolescent Development and Counseling

    Marital Relationship Counseling


    Child Development and Counseling

  • Q4

    Includes pre retirement counseling, community center for counseling, nursing homes for counseling and hospice works

    Adolescent Development and Counseling


    Marital Relationship Counseling

    Child Development and Counseling


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