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Quiz by Seth L Hall

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    What is an arrest?
    Taking someone to the station for an interview
    Placing someone in the back of your patrol vehicle
    Holding a person in handcuffs
    Placing a person in custody based upon probable cause they committed a crime
  • Q2
    What are the four elements of arrest?
    Handcuffs, search, reading of rights, interrogation
    Mere hunch, reasonable suspicion, probable cause, proof beyond a reasonable doubt
    Secure, search, transport, booking
    Intent, authority, custody, understanding by the subject
  • Q3
    What is the standard needed to detain someone?
    Exigent circumstances
    Probable cause
    Reasonable suspicion
    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
  • Q4
    What is the standard needed to arrest someone?
    Probable cause
    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
    Exigent circumstances
    Reasonable suspicion
  • Q5
    What is the standard needed for a criminal conviction?
    Reasonable suspicion
    Probable cause
    Exigent circumstances
    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
  • Q6
    What type of force may you use to arrest?
    No level of force may be used
    Reasonable and necessary
  • Q7
    Why might you need to detain someone?
    They were making suspicious or furtive movements
    They match the description of a suspect
    They were in the area of an active crime scene
    All of these
  • Q8
    How long can you detain someone?
    Five minutes
    Six hours
    A reasonable amount of time
    An hour
  • Q9
    What Supreme Court case set the standards for investigative detention?
    Florida v. Royer
    Terry v. Ohio
    Matheson v. City of New York
    Weeks v. United States

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