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Art Appreciation Quiz #1

Quiz by Neil John Galarion

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    Which of the following terms does NOT relate to Latin word "ARS"?





  • Q2

    Which of the following are the 3 classical branches of art?

    Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

    Painting, Film and Drawing

    Media,Performing Arts and dance

    Music, Theatre and Dance

  • Q3

    Who defined art as a communication of intimate concepts that cannot be portrayed by words alone?

    Marilina Maraviglia

    Joseph Maravilla

    Joseph Nieters

    Joseph Neiters

  • Q4

    Which idea conveys the definition of Marilina Mariviglia?

    Art inherent into one  culture across space and time.

    All of the above

    Art is a product of limited imagination

    Art reflects economic and social sunstrates of its design

  • Q5

    Which assumption of art explains about its presence in every part of the globe?


    Not a nature

    Need for experience

    Provide Process

  • Q6

    When do you know if art is for Representation?

    Replication of something that is beautiful or meaningful

    None of the above

    If it represents culture

    Showcase of representations

  • Q7

    What is the role of Humanity in the field of arts?

    Speculate the work of arts

    Develop one's feeling of judgement

    Refine the sense of Appreciation

    Judge artworks

  • Q8

    Which idea allows individual to make intelligent choices and decisions in acquiring necessities?

    Develop a fine sense of appreciation

    Learn to make judgement

    None of the above

    Provide ways for classiglfication

  • Q9

    When can we say that something is creative?

    When concepts are similar

    When it is somehow imitated

    When it is out of the ordinary

    When something is familiar

  • Q10

    Which statement conveys the idea of Albert Einstein?

    Creativity is bound to one concept

    Knowlege is imoportant than imagination

    Imagination is more important than knowledge

    All of the above


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