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Quiz by Damian rollinson

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    Identify the type of assessment
  • Q2
    Which is the correct definition of formative assessment?
    Setting high expectations to establish routine for everyone in the learning environment.
    A place that marks the beginning of a journey that tells the teacher what the students knows about a subject.
    A wide range of methods that teachers use to evaluate the progress of their students at the end of a unit or project.
    A wide range of methods that teachers use to evaluate the progress of their students within a lesson.
  • Q3
    Watching how students perform a task to check that learning is taking place is the description of which assessment method?
    Group work
  • Q4
    Which of the following is not an example of formative assessment?
    Assignment feedback
    Question and Answer
    Mini whiteboards
  • Q5
    What is the benefit of criterion referenced assessment?
    Students have clear targets to work towards
    Students can compare each set of results againsts their previous results
    Students know how they are doing in comparison to others within their group
  • Q6
    What are 2 benefits of peer-assessment?
    It allows students to get other people to finish their work off and meet deadlines.
    It helps students to better understand what criteria their own work is being judged against and what good work ought to include.
    It allows students to see each other's work and decide if it is any good.
    It helps students to pick up where errors might have been made in their own work and reflect on how to correct these.

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