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5 questions
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  • Q1

    You are using a wrench and trying to loosen a rusty nut. Which of the arrangements shown is least effective in loosening the nut?

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  • Q2

    Which of the following best describes a torque vector?

     It is perpendicular to the position and force vector.

    It is parallel to the position vector. 

    It is parallel to the force vector.

    It is perpendicular to the position vector.

  • Q3

    Which of the following is NOT correct about concept about torque?

     A net torque equals zero means the object is not going to rotate.

    It is tendency to cause or change a body’s rotational motion.

    It can be quantitively describe through cross product.

    All forces that tend to rotate the object in the same direction produce torque with unlike sign.

  • Q4

    Which of the following best describes equilibrium?

     The net torques and forces are equal to zero.

    The net torques and forces are the same.

    All torques affecting the object is equal to zero.

    All forces affecting the object is equal to zero

  • Q5

    Why you cannot open a door by pushing on its hinged side?

    Lever arm is zero. 

    Torque is negative.

    Moment of inertia is zero.

    Force is zero.


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