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Aviation part 66

Quiz by Abed Suwissat

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which organization is responsible for the regulation and certification of aircraft maintenance personnel under Part 66?
    Airports Council International (ACI)
    European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  • Q2
    What is the maximum age limit to obtain an Aircraft Maintenance License (AML) according to Part 66 regulations?
    18 years old
    30 years old
    65 years old
    There is no maximum age limit
  • Q3
    Which category of aircraft maintenance personnel under Part 66 is responsible for non-destructive testing (NDT) of aircraft components?
    Category 3
    Category 1
    Category 4
    Category 2
  • Q4
    What is the purpose of Part 66 of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulations?
    To establish the requirements for aircraft maintenance personnel licensing
    To set guidelines for airline ticket pricing
    To regulate air traffic control procedures
    To define aircraft design specifications
  • Q5
    Which part of an aircraft is primarily responsible for generating lift during flight?
  • Q6
    What is the function of a turbine engine in an aircraft?
    To generate thrust by producing a high-velocity exhaust gas stream
    To control the aircraft's flight path and altitude
    To provide electrical power for the aircraft systems
    To regulate the cabin pressure during flight
  • Q7
    What is the purpose of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) in aircraft maintenance?
    To supervise the training of flight crew members
    To design the interior layout of the aircraft cabin
    To plan the flight schedule for the airline
    To provide instructions for the inspection, maintenance, and repair of specific aircraft
  • Q8
    What is the purpose of the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) in aircraft maintenance?
    To establish the seating configuration of the cabin
    To outline the maximum weight limits for the aircraft
    To determine the fuel requirements for the journey
    To specify the equipment that may be inoperative for a particular flight
  • Q9
    What is the purpose of the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) in aircraft maintenance?
    To list the emergency procedures for the flight crew
    To establish the scheduled maintenance tasks and intervals for an aircraft
    To identify the seating arrangement in the aircraft cabin
    To calculate the takeoff and landing performance of the aircraft
  • Q10
    What is the function of an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) in an aircraft?
    To control the speed and direction of the aircraft
    To assist in steering the aircraft on the ground
    To provide electrical power and air conditioning when the main engines are not running
    To generate lift for takeoff and landing

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