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Quiz by ketsia grinnell

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    what does Banquo think of the predictions the Witches have said to Macbeth?
    they will all become true
    He is afraid the witches will kill Macbeth
    tricking Macbeth into evil actions
    he is jealous of Macbeth
  • Q2
    Is Banquo the first to suspect Macbeth of murder?
    don't know
  • Q3
    What was Banquo doing when he got killed?
    protecting his son, Fleance
    having a royal feast with Macbeth
    planning a murder plot to kill Macbeth
    talking to the Witches
  • Q4
    what happend to Banquo after he died
    Locked away in the Dungeons
    Got buried at Birnam Woods
    The Witches brought him back alive
    Came back as a ghost to haunt Macbeth
  • Q5
    How was Banquo killed?
    Macbeth murdered him
    he was saw as a great threat so Lady Macbeth killed him
    he was shot in his head
    Macbeth's two hired assassins murdered him
  • Q6
    Why is Banquo an important character in Macbeth
    He doesn't believe the Witches
    He get's killed
    He is loyal to Duncan, and a devoted father
    He was Macbeth's best friend
  • Q7
    What did the witches predict for Banquo?
    Banquo was to old to be king
    Macbeth would die before Banquo
    He would never be king, but his sons would be kings
    Banquo would be king, but his sons would never be kings
  • Q8
    Did Banquo think he was Macbeth's friend
    don't know
  • Q9
    What are the best 3 words that describe Banquo
    mindful, thoughtful, quiet
    worried, upset, angry
    happy, giggly, cheerful
    Suspicious, Loyal, Doubtful

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