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Best Evidence for specific Claims

Quiz by Shannon Paxton

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    The article, "Opinion: High School Football is a Dangerous and Unnecessary Sport," makes the argument that football is too dangerous for young people and unnecessarily puts them in harms way. Select the strongest piece of evidence that supports this claim.
    "A concussion is one typical brain injury caused by a jarring to one's head. However, Talavage explained that players with or without concussions both show decreased activity in areas of the brain most exposed to contact."
    "Caring for players with Traumatic Brain Injuries costs approximately $76.5 billion annually as of 2010."
    "More than a million high school students play on their school's tackle football teams."
    "Each year, roughly 264,000 high school students suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) and mental impairment. The brain injuries hurt students' ability to learn and succeed in school."
  • Q2
    The article, "Opinion: High School Football is a Dangerous and Unnecessary Sport," makes the argument that football is too dangerous for young people and unnecessarily puts them in harms way. Select the strongest piece of evidence that supports this claim.
    "A concussion is one typical brain injury caused by a jarring to one's head. However, Talavage explained that players with or without concussions both show decreased activity in areas of the brain most exposed to contact."
    ". . . about 25 percent -- 264,345 high school players -- will suffer traumatic brain injury and mental impairment."
    "Many claim football builds character, but there's not evidence it's unique or cost-effective in this respect."
    "Caring for players with Traumatic Brain Injuries costs approximately $76.5 billion annually as of 2010."
  • Q3
    One thematic idea from the short story, “Sometimes the Old Ways Are Better,” is that speeding through life can lead to missing beauty along the way. Select the strongest piece of evidence that supports this thematic idea.
    In the front seat, their mother, Margaret, sighed. She knew where this was going.
    "This isn’t soccer. It’s not all about getting to the goal; it’s about how you get there and what you see on the way."
    Lily looked up from the atlas she was holding and gazed out the window on her right side.
    "I’m hungry, and I’m sick of gas station food. Can you use that gizmo of yours to find us some barbecue up ahead?"
  • Q4
    One thematic idea from the short story, “Sometimes the Old Ways Are Better,” is that speeding through life can lead to missing beauty along the way. Select the strongest piece of evidence that supports this thematic idea.
    Turning back to the atlas, Lily traced the highway with her finger, following it north to Shreveport, and then north and west to Texarkana on the Arkansas-Texas border.
    "If we take Highway 59 north out of Texarkana, we can go through the Ouachita National Forest."
    “That’s straighter, but it’s not faster. I’ve already worked all this out with GPS on my phone. We take Interstate 30 west out of Texarkana, then go north up to Interstate 40, and we’ll be in Oklahoma City in plenty of time to meet Dad.”
    “Dude,” Lily replied, “Dad won’t even be there until the day after tomorrow."

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