Bible 07 Final 2019
Quiz by Marquita Holmes
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390 questions
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- Q1How many books are there in the OT?4560273930s
- Q2Who wrote the first five books of the Bible?DavidNoahMosesJoseph30s
- Q3How many books are in the NT?1660392730s
- Q4What is the name of the first 5 books of the Bible?The Law, The Pentateuch, Torah30s
- Q5What name means "Father of Nations"?AbrahamNoahMosesJacob30s
- Q6What are the tests for canonicity?Written by or connected to an apostle, Authoritative, Widespread use and distribution of the document30s
- Q7What book of the Bible is the story of Abraham?NumbersLeviticusExodusGenesis30s
- Q8True or False: Moses led the nation of Israel into the Promised Land.MaybeTrueFalse30s
- Q9Which book of the Bible is the account of the Hebrew nation leaving Egypt?NumbersGenesisDeuteronomyExodus30s
- Q10The first four of the 10 commandments deal with how we relate to what?OthersGodSelfEvil30s
- Q11The last six of the 10 commandments deal with how we relate to what?EvilGodOthersSelf30s
- Q12Which book n the Pentateuch included a travel log of the Israelites wandering through the wilderness?Numbers30s
- Q13To whom did God say the following: "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful in all you do."CalebNoahSamsonJoshua30s
- Q14What word best describes Samson?Judge30s
- Q15What term best describes Naomi's relationship to Ruth?mother-in-law30s