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Big bang theory

Quiz by Anna Shapovalova

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Who proposed the Big Bang theory?
    Georges Lemaitre
    Albert Einstein
    Isaac Newton
    Edwin Hubble
  • Q2
    What is the estimated age of the universe according to the Big Bang theory?
    1 billion years
    1 million years
    13.8 billion years
    100 million years
  • Q3
    What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?
    Solar radiation reflected off Earth's atmosphere
    Radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations
    Energy from distant stars
    Remnants of the Big Bang
  • Q4
    What did the Big Bang theory propose about the origin of the universe?
    The universe was created by a higher power
    The universe began as a singularity
    The universe has always existed
    The universe is constantly expanding
  • Q5
    What is the main evidence supporting the Big Bang theory?
    The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
    The redshift of distant galaxies
    The formation of stars and galaxies
    The presence of dark matter

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