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Biography Cesar Chavez

Quiz by Lakisha Goffney

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    On page 43, the word nonviolence means-
    without violence
    able to be violent
    after violence
    with violence
  • Q2
    As it is used on page 42, the word violence refers to -
    something that can hurt others or property
    something that comforts others
    to treat someone with respect
    a positive way to handle a situation
  • Q3
    Which words from page 35 help the reader understand the meaning of the word suffered?
    moving did not bother Cesar
    working on the farms
    not treated with respect or dignity
    together as a family
  • Q4
    Which word on page 35 help the reader understand the meaning of the word dignity?
  • Q5
    The reader knows that the selection is a biography because it-
    persuades the reader to help all farm workers
    tells about the events in Cesar Chavez's life
    shows the reader how to make a difference like Cesar Chavez
    explains why fighting for a person's rights are important
  • Q6
    Based on the author's descriptions of Cesar's career, the reader can infer that Cesar-
    only wanted to work alone to help farm workers
    grew tired and decided not to work as hard
    worked hard to help others solve their problems
    only wanted to make a lot of money
  • Q7
    Based on the selection, how does the author most likely feel about Cesar Chavez?
    Cesar Chavez did not deserve to become known as a hero.
    The author wishes Cesar Chavez would have done more to help others.
    The author is bothered by the fact that Cesar Chavez felt that his teachers treated him mean because he did not know English.
    They believe Cesar was a heroic person who was willing to fight for the rights of those who were mistreated or ignored.
  • Q8
    How was Cesar's career in the U.S. Navy similar to his career with the Community Service Organization?
    Both careers required Cesar to perfect his writing skills.
    Both careers gave him the opportunity to help and protect people.
    Both careers presented Cesar Chavez with the opportunity to travel the world.
    Both careers did not allow him to serve others.
  • Q9
    The author included the information about Cesar Chavez's mother to show-
    why Cesar decided to leave the Community Service Organization
    how she was a strict person to Cesar
    how she influenced and inspired him to be giving and respect others
    why Cesar was such a selfish person
  • Q10
    The author organizes the selection by-
    comparing how Cesar's job with the U.S. Navy was like his career afterwards
    explaining why Cesar decided to work with others to help people
    listing Cesar's accomplishments as a husband
    describing Cesar's life from his childhood to his adulthood
  • Q11
    Which sentence from the selection best shows that Cesar was a giving person?
    Cesar's family moved to California to find work.
    As a young boy, Cesar worked on his family's farm feeding and watering the animals, collecting eggs, and bringing water to the house.
    Cesar learned to read English in school and he learned to read Spanish from his uncles.
    Cesar and his family often helped his uncles, aunts, and cousins by giving them food when they had little to eat.
  • Q12
    Cesar left the Community Service Organization and started the National Farm Worker Association most likely because-
    he knew he would not have any opposition or disagreements with the companies and growers
    he got bored and was ready to have a more exciting career
    he knew conditions had gotten better for farm workers since he was a child
    he remembered what it was like to be a farm worker and wanted to help improve the way farm workers were being treated
  • Q13
    The author describes events in sequential order mainly to-
    show that making a difference requires a lot of time to achieve
    get readers interested in forming their own protest
    explain how the people and events in his life kept Cesar from helping others.
    explain how Cesar was able to accomplish his goal of helping farm workers and people of his community.
  • Q14
    What effect did Cesar and his brother giving food to the homeless and hungry people have- page.36
    they were really did not feel like helping others but did it anyway
    they were very selfish and ungrateful
    seeing others in worst conditions than theirs helped them to not consider themselves poor
    they felt bad about their lives and thought they were poor themselves
  • Q15
    {As a young boy , Cesar worked on his family's farm feeding and watering the animals, collecting eggs, and bringing water to the house.} What does this sentence suggest about Cesar's parents?
    They firmly believed children should only work on a farm and not receive an education.
    They were extremely lazy and wanted their children to do all the work for them.
    They believed that children should work hard to help the family and others.
    The did not believe that children should be responsible and should only go to school to learn English.

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