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Black History I

Quiz by Scott Burns

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27 questions
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  • Q1
    The first slaves arrive in Jamestown the same year (1619) as did
    the Puritans.
    the Pennsylvania Dutch.
    the Pilgrims.
    the Quakers.
  • Q2
    Which was not a difference in the European / American form of slavery from previous forms of slavery?
    It was based on racism.
    It was violent.
    There was a strict code that dealt with fair treatment of slaves by their owners.
    It was destructive to blacks.
  • Q3
    Which part of Africa were the slaves mainly captured from?
    The interior of western Africa.
    The interior of Southern Africa.
    The interior of northern Africa.
    The interior of Eastern Africa.
  • Q4
    Which was not a condition aboard a slave ship going to the Americas?
    the slaves were chained.
    there was often much illness on a slave ship.
    the slaves were very crowded below deck.
    The slaves could move around the ship once it was 100 miles from Africa.
  • Q5
    A captured slaves trip from Africa to the Americas was called
    the middle passage.
    the passage to Utopia.
    the passage to hell.
    the final passage.
  • Q6
    The English and the Dutch gained control over the Atlantic Slave Trade. The Dutch are from
    the Netherlands.
  • Q7
    During the 400 year period of African slavery, how many were taken from their African home and lands?
    50 million
    50 billion
    10 million
    1 million
  • Q8
    Which was not one the ways slaves were controlled in the Americas?
    Owners used brutal punishments to keep slaves obedient.
    the tribes were mixed before being sold.
    Religion was used to justify slavery.
    Slaves were told they could buy their freedom one day if they always obeyed their masters.
  • Q9
    Which was not a way that slaves resisted their terrible treatment?
    They broke equipment.
    They worked slowly.
    Most owners were eventually attacked or murdered.
    Some risked running away.
  • Q10
    Slave owners worked hard to create a hatred between the slaves and
    the middle class.
    Native Americans.
    poor whites.
  • Q11
    It was illegal to teach a slave to read and write because
    the slave brain wasn't capable of this.
    it made blacks superior to whites.
    it simply couldn't be done.
    this could bring them to ideas about freedom and justice.
  • Q12
    Who was the villain (bad guy) in "Uncle Tom's Cabin"?
    Simon Legree
    Uncle Tom
    Nat Turner
    John Brown
  • Q13
    There were hundreds of slave rebellions. Who led the most violent one?
    Nat Turner
    Frederick Douglass
    Denmark Vessey
  • Q14
    Who was the most important black abolitionist?
    David Walker
    Frederick Douglass
    Harriet Tubman
    John Brown
  • Q15
    What made Frederick Douglass different from many other leading abolitionists?
    He was better educated.
    He was also a minister.
    He had actually been a slave.
    He was richer than most.

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