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Bleeding disorders

Quiz by Nada Hassan Ahmed Abdelrahman

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  • Q1
    Which of the following is most accurate regarding the presentation of von Willebrand disease?
    Gastrointestinal bleeding is commonly the initial presenting symptom in patients with von Willebrand disease
    Bleeding symptoms associated with von Willebrand disease typically worsen with the use of oral contraceptives
    More men than women are affected by von Willebrand disease, and the phenotype is more pronounced in men
    Bleeding associated with von Willebrand disease may occur as long as several weeks after surgery
  • Q2
    Which of the following is most accurate regarding the workup of hemophilia B?
    Coagulation correction should be delayed until diagnostic testing is completed in patients with suspected hemophilia B
    Ultrasonography is useful in evaluating bone and cartilage affected by hemophilia B
    A normal prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) test result excludes hemophilia B
    Spontaneous bleeding complications are severe in individuals with hemophilia B who have undetectable activity on factor IX assay
  • Q3
    Which of the following is most accurate regarding the presentation of hemophilia A?
    Petechiae are among the most common presenting symptoms in patients with hemophilia A
    Unlike other bleeding conditions, hemophilia A is primarily seen in women
    A traumatic challenge relatively late in life may have to occur before mild or moderate hemophilia A is diagnosed
    The muscles most commonly affected in patients with hemophilia A are the pectoral muscles and the abdomen
  • Q4
    which of the following is most accurate regarding the management of patients with von Willebrand disease?
    For patients with mild to moderate von Willebrand disease, antifibrinolytic agents combined with desmopressin are generally effective for oral surgery
    Subcutaneous administration of desmopressin is recommended above intravenous or intranasal administration in patients with von Willebrand disease
    Patients with von Willebrand disease should be advised to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as opposed to aspirin
    All patients with severe von Willebrand disease should receive regular prophylactic infusions of von Willebrand factor to prevent bleeding episodes
  • Q5
    which of the following is accurate regarding the management of hemophilia?
    Regular standardized evaluation at least every 12 months is recommended in patients with hemophilia
    Treatment with intravenous injection of factor concentrate is able to reverse established joint damage in patients with mild to moderate hemophilia
    Implanted venous access devices are contraindicated in younger children with hemophilia
    Prophylactic oral antibiotics should be routinely prescribed in all patients with hemophilia prior to undergoing any dental procedure

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