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Blood, and how it works

Quiz by Sasha

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    What are the main cells in all blood?
    Red blood cells
    White blood cells
    White and red blood cells
  • Q2
    How does oxygen get distributed in the body
    Through the lungs
    Through the stomach
    Through the white blood cells
    Through the circulatory system
  • Q3
    How do white cells fight bacteria and other harmful elements?
    They push them out of the blood
    The kill and eat them
    They inject them with medicines that we take
    They starve them of oxygen
  • Q4
    How do the red blood cells clean our blood from carbon dioxide?
    They push carbon dioxide to the liver to be cleaned
    They attach to the carbon dioxide and push it to the lungs for fresh oxygen
    They eat up the carbon dioxide
    They have a chemical that neutralizes carbon dioxide
  • Q5
    How long do red blood cells live
    2 months
    2 days
    120 days
  • Q6
    How much blood does a grown up have in their body?
    About 2 litres
    About 10 litres
    About 20 litres
    About 5 litres
  • Q7
    How much blood does an average 6-8 year old have in their body
    Half as much as an adult
    Depends on the time of year
    We all have a similar amount fo blood
    2x the child's age in years
  • Q8
    How does the body stop the body from losing all the blood when we cut ourselves?
    The heart stops pumping blood to the cut
    The blood clots
    After a while, there is no more blood around the cut
    You must have a plaster to stop it
  • Q9
    If you cut an artery, will the colour of the blood be darker or lighter
    Depends on how much blood there is coming from the cut
    Depends on how deep the cut is

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