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BS Nursing Assessing Peripheral Vascular System

Quiz by Elisa Doria

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the purpose of assessing the peripheral vascular system in a patient?
    To measure the patient's temperature
    To evaluate the patient's cranial nerves
    To evaluate arterial and venous blood flow
    To assess the patient's respiratory status
  • Q2
    Which of the following is a potentially serious sign when assessing the peripheral vascular system?
    Warm and red extremities
    Visible varicose veins
    Prolonged capillary refill time
    Slightly swollen ankles
  • Q3
    What does the ankle-brachial index measure?
    The level of glucose in the blood
    The ratio of blood pressure in the ankle to the arm
    The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
    The level of oxygen saturation in the blood
  • Q4
    What does the presence of a bruit indicate when assessing the peripheral vascular system?
    Normal arterial blood flow
    Normal venous blood flow
    Turbulence in blood flow
    Reduced blood flow to the extremities
  • Q5
    What is the recommended position for assessing the jugular venous pulsation?
    Supine position
    Lateral position
    Semi-Fowler's position
    Prone position
  • Q6
    What is the best way to assess for dependent rubor?
    Ask the patient to exercise the limb
    Apply a heating pad to the limb
    Massage the limb and observe for edema
    Elevate the limb and observe for color changes
  • Q7
    What is the significance of an absent pedal pulse?
    Impaired arterial blood flow to the foot
    Impaired venous blood flow from the foot
    Normal arterial blood flow to the foot
    Normal venous blood flow from the foot
  • Q8
    What is the recommended method for assessing a patient's temperature in relation to peripheral vascular assessment?
    Use a touch thermometer to assess skin temperature
    Use a tympanic thermometer to assess ear temperature
    Use a rectal thermometer to assess core temperature
    Use a mercury thermometer to assess oral temperature
  • Q9
    What is the significance of observed varicosities when assessing the peripheral vascular system?
    Arterial insufficiency
    Normal arterial flow
    Venous insufficiency
    Normal venous flow
  • Q10
    What is the recommended method for assessing for peripheral edema?
    Ask the patient to point and flex their toes
    Press down on the foot or ankle and observe for indentation
    Use a measurement tape to measure the circumference of the limb
    Ask the patient to walk around and observe for pain

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