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Quiz by Natalina Bernardo

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a function in C++?
    A named collection of code that performs a specific task and can return a value
    A variable that stores data
    A loop that runs a certain number of times
    An if statement that checks a condition
  • Q2
    What is a pointer in C++?
    A function that takes no arguments
    A variable that stores the memory address of another variable
    A variable that stores a boolean value
    A loop that iterates through an array
  • Q3
    What is inheritance in C++?
    The ability of one class to inherit properties and methods from another class
    The act of initializing a variable
    The process of converting a data type to another
    A loop that runs continuously
  • Q4
    What is the difference between a struct and a class in C++?
    A class can have multiple instances while a struct can only have one instance
    A struct can inherit from another struct but not from a class
    In a class, members are private by default, while in a struct members are public by default
    A struct can have methods while a class cannot

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