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Case Worthy + Case Notes

Quiz by Taylor Fisher

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    The A in SNAP Stands for

    Activity or Achievement 

    Action and Accomplishment 

    Activity and Action 

    Activity or Accomplishment 

  • Q2

    Which is the best case note? 

    PROBLEM WITH AC. Home visit was conducted by CM on this given day. Home was clean. Client (Edris Modrin) received hygiene and food package. Client stated that their AC is not working. Apartment management has been aware of this problem for sometime and is refusing to help. Apartment manager (Ashley Waller) treats refugees poorly and is greedy for CCP funds. CM submitted the maintenance order to fix the AC and the apartment manager promised to send the maintenance to fix it on the same day. CM informed the client and told the client not to expect it to be fixed. If it isn't fixed client will call CM. Interpretation was provided by Catholic Charities interpreter. 

    Client taken to clinic for X-Rays and Blood Tests. Client speaks English, no interpretation needed.  

    SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Family was taken to (Jeffrey W. Acres School) to enroll (DA) in 2nd Grade, Thet (SO) 4th, Maung (SO) 6th Grade and Akar (SO) 8th Grade. Enrollment package was filled out by CM and signed by father. Enrollment was done. Family received the school information. CM showed the family the route from/to home/school. All Kids received new backpacks and they seems happy to get back to school again. Social worker assisted the Idris Osman

    family to receive new school information.

    HOME VISIT: Home visit was conducted on this given day by CM. PA (Ei Eindra) informed about family 2nd Health Department visit on Wednesday 03/09/2020 at 8:00am. CM assisted PA to open her mailbox and read and explain all her mail letters. CM confirms all utility working at home. Family received hygiene. Telephonic interpreter was provided.

  • Q3

    The S in SNAP stands for 




    Core Service

  • Q4

    Case Notes Should be entered into Case Worthy within 

    Users enter free text
    Type an Answer
  • Q5

    Case Worthy Notes

    Does not add case notes into chronological order 

    Give an option to select mode of service

    Can be edited once completed 

    Cannot be edited once submitted 

  • Q6

    Which Case Note should be corrected? 

    HEALTH SCREENING: Family was taken to Narico Public Clinic for immunizations. Telephonic interpreter provided by Narico health clinic.

    PCP appointment: PCP appointment was set up for Client (Nilar Modrin ) at Caring Hands Medical Care Clinic on 04/04/2022 at 10:00 am. Client was informed by CM and medical transportation was reserved by CM as well.

    ELT TESTING AND PLACEMENT: On this given day, PA (Rosa Smith) attended English Language testing and placement which was provided by the ELT provider (Farley House). PA has completed the given test and registered to begin classes in April at the Farley House M-W & F mornings. PA acknowledged understanding. Interpretation provided by Pacific Interpreters to explain class location

    HOUSING SAFETY & SUPPLY CHECKLISTS: Housing and safety inspection for the new Family resident place was done today by CM. CM bought necessities for the Family and dropped them at the apartment. CM also bought the food and ready to eat meal for the family and dropped it at the apartment. Completed supply checklist.

  • Q7

    As a Case Manager,  it is important to document my perspective on client conflicts. 

    True or False
  • Q8

    It is important to add as much detail as possible to my case notes.

    True or False
  • Q9

    Client Demographics cannot be changed on Case Worthy once it has been saved. 

    True or False
  • Q10

    Grayson Bought Crocs from 


    He didn't buy crocs, he bought Nikes 


    The Nike Store


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