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12 questions
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  • Q1

    I need to _____________(my suit/clean) before my cousin's wedding.

    have my suit cleaned

    have my suit clean

    had my suit cleaned

    having my suit cleaned

  • Q2

    When we were in Paris, I ____________ (my portrait/paint) by a street artist. 

    have my portrait painted

    had my portrait painted

    had had my portrait painted 

    had my portrait paint

  • Q3

    I absolutely hate ________________(my photo/take). I always look awful.

    having my photo taken

    had my photo taked

    having my photo taked

    have my photo taked

  • Q4

    We _____________ (our kitchen/decorate) at the moment.

    have our kitchen decorating

    had our kitchen decorated

    are having our kitchen decorated

    having our kitchen decorating

  • Q5

    If you are feeling dizzy, you should ____________ (your blood preassure/ check).

    have your blood preassure checking

    had your blood preassure checked

    have your blood preassure check

    have your blood preassure checked

  • Q6

    Have you ever ________________(your fortune/tell)?

    had had your fortune told

    have your fortune tell

    had your fortune told

    have your fortune telled

  • Q7

    I ____________ (my car/service) tomorrow. Could you give me a lift to work?

    'm having my car serviced

    have my car serviced

    have my car service

    had my car serviced

  • Q8

    I need ____________ (my watch/repair) - it's not working properly.

    to have my watch repaired

    had my watch repaired

    have my watch repaired

    have my watch repair

  • Q9

    They had to ___________________ (the big tree/cut down) in their garden. It was damaged in a  storm.

    have the big tree cutted down

    had the big tree cut down

    had the big tree cutted dowm

    have the big tree cut down

  • Q10

    We usually _____________ (our house/repaint) every five years.

    having our house repainted

    had had our house repainted

    have our house repainted

    had our house repainted

  • Q11

    I nearly couln't stop in time at the traffic lights today. I must ____________ (the brakes/test) tomorrow.

    will have the brakes tested

    had the brakes test

    have the brakes test

    have the brakes tested

  • Q12

    Our neighbours ______________ (a lot of new furniture/deliver) yesterday.

    had had a lot of new furniture delivered

    had a lot of new furniture delivered

    had a lot of new furniture deliver

    have a lot of new furniture delivered


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