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Causes of soil erosion

Quiz by Elvis Munetsi

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a common cause of soil erosion?
    Building roads
    Playing sports
    Watering plants
  • Q2
    How can overgrazing by animals contribute to soil erosion?
    By removing vegetation that holds the soil in place
    By increasing rainfall
    By planting more trees
    By building houses
  • Q3
    What human activity can lead to soil erosion by causing excessive tilling of the land?
    Reading books
    Baking cookies
  • Q4
    How does construction of buildings and roads contribute to soil erosion?
    By disrupting the natural flow of water and increasing runoff
    By providing shelter for animals
    By reducing the amount of rain
    By planting more trees
  • Q5
    How can wildfires contribute to soil erosion?
    By watering the plants
    By planting more trees
    By burning vegetation that holds the soil in place
    By building shelters
  • Q6
    How can heavy rainfall contribute to soil erosion?
    By reducing water flow
    By adding nutrients to the soil
    By washing away the topsoil
    By preventing erosion
  • Q7
    How does wind erosion contribute to soil erosion?
    By reducing air pollution
    By blowing away the topsoil and causing soil degradation
    By planting more trees
    By increasing soil fertility
  • Q8
    How can mining activities contribute to soil erosion?
    By planting more trees
    By removing vegetation and exposing the soil to erosion
    By preventing soil erosion
    By reducing the amount of rainfall
  • Q9
    How can improper irrigation practices contribute to soil erosion?
    By causing waterlogging and salinization of the soil
    By preventing erosion
    By reducing water usage
    By promoting plant growth
  • Q10

    How do animals contribute to soil erosion

    By growing

    By ploughing

    By overgrazing

    By polluting the soil

  • Q11

    Which practice results in soil being eroded

    crop rotation

    Planting more trees

    Streambank cultivation

    Ploughing across the slope

  • Q12

    Which of the following is not a way by which animals contribute to erosion?

    streambank cultivation



    animal tracks


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