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Ch. 1 Test Review

Quiz by Mr.

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    Indirect forms of solar energy, such as wind and flowing water, provide us with inexhaustible energy sources that we can use to produce electricity.

    True or False
  • Q2

    Which process best illustrates an ecosystem service?

    soil erosion

    water purification

    pollution cleanup

    oil mining

  • Q3

    Which statement about environmentalism is correct?

    Environmentalism is the study of moral judgments that influence human behavior.

    Environmentalism is a branch of the field of environmental science.

    Environmentalism is a social movement not a scientific field of study

    Environmentalism focuses on interactions between living and nonliving things.

  • Q4

    Which factor is a major contributor to the degradation ofnatural capital associated with the pricing of consumable goods?

    Consumable goods are priced in such a way as to allow even poor people in less-developed nations to acquire them.

    Consumers in some local cultures purchase items that are expensive because of the social status it brings.

    Consumable goods are priced in such a way that they do not reflect the environmental damage caused by their production.

    Consumable goods are priced in such a way as to offset harmful environmental and health costs.

  • Q5

    Natural resources are considered natural capital, where as ecosystem services are not.

    True or False
  • Q6

    Middle-income countries such as India and China may have low ____, but they have a high ____.

    population size; population growth rate

    resource use per person; overall environmental impact

    overall environmental impact; resource use per person

    population size; resource use per person

  • Q7

    A country’s ecological footprint is larger than its biological capacity to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste and pollution. What can be said about this country?

    It is a sustainable society.

    It must not have any natural capital.

    It is most likely a less-developed country.

    It has an ecological shortage.

  • Q8

    Point sources of pollution ____.

    are always found in rural areas where farming is common

    include runoff of fertilizers and pesticides from farmlands and suburban lawns

    enter ecosystems from dispersed and often hard-to-identify sources

    are easier to identify than nonpoint sources of pollution

  • Q9

    About 80% of the world’s human population live in ____.

    environmentally sustainable societies

    nations with high average income per person

    less-developed countries

    more-developed countries

  • Q10

    What is one environmental benefit of wealth?

    Increasing wealth allows for an increased capacity for resource consumption.

    Increasing wealth provides resources to apply toward the creation of environmentally beneficial technologies.

    Increasing wealth in more-developed nations leads to increased wealth in less-developed countries.

    Increasing wealth encourages consumers to spend more money on locally manufactured products.

  • Q11

    Oil is a(n) ____.

    nonrenewable resource because it cannot be formed on human time scales

    renewable resource because it can be renewed through geologic processes

    inexhaustible resource because it is a form of stored solar energy

    renewable resource because it can be used to make fertilizers that restore soil fertility

  • Q12

    Living sustainably means living on ____—the renewable resources such as plants, animals, soil, clean air, and clean water provided by Earth’s natural capital.

    ecosystem services

    factors of sustainability

    natural income

    exponential growth

  • Q13

    You are installing solar collectors on the roof of your home to cut your use of the natural gas that heats both your hot water tank and the living spaces in your home. In doing so, you are using a(n) ____resource to replace a(n) ____ resource.

    renewable; inexhaustible

    inexhaustible; renewable

    inexhaustible; nonrenewable

    renewable; nonrenewable

  • Q14

    Which resource would best be categorized as inexhaustible?

    coal reserves

    clean water


    solar energy

  • Q15

    Environmental science can be described as interdisciplinary because it ____.

    is rapidly evolving over time into a different form of science

    includes topics that are not explored in other disciplines

    includes biology, chemistry, geology, social sciences, and the humanities

    often assigns responsibility to causes of environmental degradation


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