CH 11 Healthy Plates and Looking Good
Quiz by Shelby Miller
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50 questions
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- Q1Metric unit of energy.Empty CalorieProteinCalorieWhole Grain30s
- Q2Doctor who specializes in treating skin.OptometristSurgeonMedical SpecialistDermatologist30s
- Q3Energy present in high-energy foods with poor nutrition.calorieProteinEmpty calorieWhole Grain30s
- Q4Taking proper care of your body and appearance.GroomingHygieneAppearanceImpression30s
- Q5Practice of staying healthy by keeping clean.ImpressionHygieneAppearanceGrooming30s
- Q6ProteinEnergy present in high-energy foods with poor nutrition.Natural substance required for muscle and cell growth.Contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed.Physical and emotional reaction to a challenge.30s
- Q7StressMetric unit of energy.Practice of staying healthy by keeping clean.Taking proper care of your body and appearance.Physical and emotional reaction to a challenge.30s
- Q8Contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed.ProteinCalorieEmpty calorieWhole grain30s
- Q9Vegetables are a good source of calcium and vitamin D.FalseTrue30s
- Q10Looking good on the job begins with being healthy.FalseTrue30s
- Q11Beans are a natural source of protein and fiber.TrueFalse30s
- Q12Spices and herbs are good substitutes for salt to add flavor to food.TrueFalse30s
- Q13Physical activity can help reduce stress and depression.TrueFalse30s
- Q14It is illegal to discriminate against employees or job applicants whose religious beliefs require that they cannot shave.FalseTrue30s
- Q15Some people use mouthwash to avoid bad breath.TrueFalse30s