Ch.18 Classification Review
Quiz by Kate Downey
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46 questions
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- Q1A group of like organisms at any the end of the classification system is called aspeciesphylumgenusstrain45s
- Q2Which one of the following sequences shows the correct hierarchy of classification, going from the most inclusive to the least inclusive?Domain, Phylum, Kingdom, Genus, Species, Family, Order, ClassKingdom, Domain, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, SpeciesSpecies, Genus, Family, Class, Order, Phylum, KingdomDomain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species45s
- Q3At the present time, scientists have named approximately ____ of species.7%100%50%10%45s
- Q4The scientific name is derived from the genus and species to which an organism belongs.falsetrue30s
- Q5The binomial system of classification was developed by:WallaceDarwinLinnaeusMalthus30s
- Q6Throughout the world, scientific species names are inEnglishFrenchLatinGreek30s
- Q7In printed scientific names, only the _______________ is capitalized.classgenusfamilyspecies45s
- Q8Based of of this scientific name,Homo sapiens (this is supposed to be italicized), what portion is the species?Homosapeins45s
- Q9We have identified almost all species on Earth.truefalse45s
- Q10What is taxonomy?the name of Aristotle's classification systemthe process of observing an organism's behaviorthe process used by geologists to classify rocksthe scientific study of how living things are classified45s
- Q11Why do scientists organize living things into groups?an organism may have more than one common namean organism rarely has the same name in different languagescommon names are too ambiguous or misleadingall of the above45s
- Q12What is binomial nomenclature?A naming system in which each organism is given a two-part nameClassifying organisms into seven levelsGrouping animals based on how they moveThe naming system developed by Darwin45s
- Q13An organism's scientific name consists ofits phylum name and its species name.its kingdom name and its phylum name.its class name and its family name.its genus name and its species name45s
- Q14Which is the broadest classification level?speciesphylumkingdomfamily45s
- Q15Which classification level has more species than the phylum level?orderkingdomclassfamily45s