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Changing the world...

Quiz by Paola Lasagna

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the first task the speaker suggests you should do every morning?
    Brush your teeth
    Eat breakfast
    Make your bed
  • Q2
    According to the speaker, why is it important to be able to do the little things right?
    To be able to do the big things right
    To impress others
    To avoid boredom
    To have a perfect life
  • Q3
    According to the speaker, what matters most in changing the world?
    The size of your heart
    The size of your network
    The size of your accomplishments
    The size of your bank account
  • Q4
    What happened when the training class was ordered into the mud in the mud flats?
    They slept
    They gave up
    They swam away
    They started singing
  • Q5
    According to the speaker, what is the power of one person?
    The power to change the world by giving hope
    The power to be famous
    The power to control others
    The power to accumulate wealth
  • Q6
    What does the speaker encourage you to do in order to change the world?
    Avoid challenges
    Take risks and never give up
    Stay in your comfort zone
    Give up easily
  • Q7
    What will the next generation experience if you change the world according to the speaker?
    A world worse than the present
    No change at all
    A world far better than the present
    The same world as the present

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