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Chapter 1 Intro to Law

Quiz by Michael Rash

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19 questions
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  • Q1

    What is the Definition of Law?

    Rules and Regulations created by the government to keep social order. 

    Rules made in the home or at school

    Rules given by your doctor 

  • Q2

    How would you define Jurisprudence?

    A fancy word for a judge 

    Study of the Police 

    The study of Law and Legal Philosophy 

  • Q3

    What is Rule of Law

    The principle that Law does not apply to everyone 

    No man is above or below the law

    All principle that all people, places, and entities are accountable for any law given by the government .

  • Q4

    Which of these is not part of the Goals of the Legal System

    Torture all Prisoners 

    Promote Fairness 

    Help resolve conflict 

  • Q5

    Why do we need law?

    To capture all bad guys and criminals 

    To keep order in society 

    To invoke fear and terror into the hearts of the citizens therefore deterring them from committing crimes. 

  • Q6

    What are the 4 Values that laws can be based on?

    Friends, Family, Pets, Teachers 

    Moral, Economic, Political, Social 

    Parents, Siblings, Happiness, and Joy 

  • Q7

    What does Moral Mean?

    Deals with Right vs. Wrong

    Dealing with Finance 

    Dealing with a specific mental state

  • Q8

    Who developed the Moral Development Theory?




  • Q9

    What are the 3 Stages of Moral Development?

    Pre- Moral, Moral, Post- Moral 

    Child Morality, Teen Morality, Adult Morality 

    Pre- Conventional, Conventional, Post- Conventional 

  • Q10

    Throughout our lives, which moral situation do we always carry with us .

    Avoidance of getting in trouble 

    Universal Belief 

    Good Boy- Good Girl Mentality 

  • Q11

    What is the Natural Law Approach ? 

    Law should affect only the will of the majority

    Laws that govern people relationships

    Represents a reflection of values, mores, and culture

  • Q12

    In this approach, we find that as society changes, so do our laws. 




  • Q13

    This law was developed in Ancient Babylon and it was a bit... brutal

    The 12 Tables 

    Hammurabi's Code 

    Code of Chivalry 

  • Q14

    What is traditional balance?

    The needs of the people vs. the needs of the individual 

    Love your neighbor as yourself

    Do unto others as you want them to do to you

  • Q15

    What is modern balance?

    All laws are only related to technology 

    Changing social standards means we need a responsive government 

    Laws that are outdated need to be thrown away.


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