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Chapter 15 Review

Quiz by Kelly Trotta

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    John scratches words into walls and marks up walls.
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 7
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
  • Q2
    Mark tells his parents that Alex has been telling him that he is contemplating suicide.
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
    FOLLOWS commandment 10
  • Q3
    Dan feels happy when other people win. He tries hard not to compare himself to others.
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    FOLLOWS commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
  • Q4
    George does not want to spend his allowance money on school supplies, so he always borrows supplies from others.
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 7
  • Q5
    Serena promises to be home by 10 PM but she stays out until past 11 PM.
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
  • Q6
    Nancy reads her sister's diary without her permission.
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
  • Q7
    Jeff overhears a piece of juicy gossips about a classmate he dislikes. He chooses to keep it to himself rather than spread it around.
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 8
  • Q8
    Julie's best friend Liz told her an embarrassing secret before moving away. Julie's other friends beg her to tell them what it was and then get very angry when she refuses. Julie holds her ground and won't tell Liz's secret.
    FOLLOWS commandment 8
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 8
  • Q9
    Christiana copies her history report from Wikipedia.
    FOLLOWS commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    VIOLATES commandment 7
  • Q10
    Lauren behaves in nasty ways to her friend Jennifer just because Jennifer has nicer things than Lauren.
    FOLLOWS commandment 7
    VIOLATES commandment 10
    FOLLOWS commandment 10
    VIOLATES commandment 7

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