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Chapter 17/18 Test Review

Quiz by Emily Lamb

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    U.S. spy planes detected Soviet offensive missiles in Cuba causes which of the following
    The U.S. Cuban community switched their support to the Democratic Party.
    The United States launched a naval blockade of Cuba.
    The Soviets withdrew financial and military support from Cuba.
    The United States launched air strikes against Cuban missile sites.
  • Q2
    Which of the following goals was central to Johnson’s vision of the Great Society?
    world peace
    equal opportunity for education
    flexible response
    suburban community development
  • Q3
    President Kennedy developed which of the following strategies to supplement the Cold War policies of his predecessors?
    massive retaliation
    flexible response
  • Q4
    Which of the following Supreme Court decisions banned racial segregation in the nation’s schools?
    Baker v. Carr
    Brown v. Board of Education
    Westberry v. Sanders
    Reynolds v. Simms
  • Q5
    Which of the following factors contributed to the victory of John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election?
    He was a poor, self-made man.
    He represented a spirit of hope and change
    He had strong southern support.
    He promised to eliminate poverty.
  • Q6
    Why were relations between the United States and Cuba poor in 1960?
    Cuba refused to help the United States win the war in Vietnam.
    The Soviets had stored offensive nuclear missiles on the US
    Banana prices had plummeted.
    Fidel Castro’s government had seized American property in Cuba.
  • Q7
    After the cuban missile crisis, which of the following occurred?
    American and Soviet government officials took steps to ease tensions between the superpowers.
    Cuban Americans switched their support to the Democratic Party.
    Soviet troops invaded Turkey.
    Fidel Castro closed the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
  • Q8
    Why did President Kennedy expand the space program?
    in order to install nuclear weapons in space
    to bolster the nation’s prestige and power in the face of several foreign policy setbacks as a part of the cold war struggle
    to fulfill his campaign promise to put a man on the moon
    to shift the focus away from his domestic policy failures
  • Q9
    How did the Bay of Pigs invasion affect U.S.-Cuban relations?
    The Cuban government turned to the United States for protection from the Soviet Union.
    The Cuban government turned to the Soviet Union for protection from the United States.
    Fidel Castro moved closer to the United States when he enacted democratic reforms.
    The United States sent food and medical supplies to thank the Cuban government for their assistance during the invasion.
  • Q10
    Why did some civil rights workers begin to question the effectiveness of nonviolent protest in the mid-1960s?
    Violence continued despite legal victories.
    Malcolm X called for retaliation and revenge.
    Protests had led to no changes in federal law.
    The Montgomery bus boycott had failed.
  • Q11
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    abolished slavery.
    gave African Americans the right to vote.
    banned discrimination in employment and public housing.
    abolished the poll tax.
  • Q12
    What was Black Power?
    a movement that taught African Americans the power of nonviolent resistance
    a movement calling for the integration of professional sports
    a civil rights program created by the Nation of Islam
    a movement calling for African Americans to rely on themselves to achieve change
  • Q13
    What was the common goal of the sit-in movement and the Freedom Rides?
    to force segregationists to respond violently
    to end segregation in public areas, such as restaurants and restrooms
    to end segregation in public schools
    to seek legal remedies to inequality
  • Q14
    The ____ came to symbolize President Kennedy’s New Frontier
    space program
    War on Poverty
  • Q15
    ____ asassinated John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
    Jack Ruby
    Lee Harvey Oswald

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