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chapter 19 Not So Sweet Secret

Quiz by Linda Davis

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    Why did Mr. Daniels send Albert to talk to the school psychologist?

    Albert is talks to himself in class.

    Albert needs someone to talk to.

    Albert is worried about a lot of things.

    He worried that Albert’s bruises were inflicted by his parents.

  • Q2

    Why did Albert always wear a Flint shirt?

    Albert does not have any other shirt to wear.

    Flint was a character who was an immortal genius on Star Trek, season three, episode#19.

    Albert likes the name Flint.

    That is Albert's favorite shirt.

  • Q3

    How did Albert get all the bruises he always had on him?

    Albert forgets his glasses and always bumps into objects.

    A group of boys beat him up regularly.

    Albert trips over this things in his messy room.

    Albert always bumps into things around the house.

  • Q4

    Why did Albert say it was illogical to think his parents hurt him?

    Albert's parents did not hit their son.

    Albert's parents are highly respectable people in the community.

    Albert's parents care about their son.

    They wouldn’t even hurt insects or spiders, so they wouldn’t hurt their own son.

  • Q5

    Why didn’t Albert hit back when the boys beat him up?

    He is scared of the boys.

    He didn’t believe in violence.

    He does not want to hurt the boys.

    He does not know how to fight.

  • Q6

    Why did Albert call the boys who beat him up fire ants?

    They are small like fire ants.

    They  move like fire ants.

    They hit very hard.

    They were small beings that could become overwhelming.


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