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Chapter 3 and 4 Comprehension Questions Bud, not Buddy

Quiz by Scott Wall

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    How does Bud feel about being locked in the shed ?
  • Q2
    Why does Bud attack the hornet nest?
    Bud thinks that attacking the nest will cause them to open the shed.
    Bud wants to do something to make people proud of him.
    Bud concedes that there is a time when a smart person knows there is no point in fighting and a time when fighting is absolutely necessary
    Bud hates hornets.
  • Q3
    Why does Bud sneak into the Amos house
    He heard someone in the house calling his name.
    He is hungry.
    He wants revenge and also wants his suitcase.
    He wants the Amos' to know that they have a hornets nest in their shed.
  • Q4
    Why does Bud want to get the gun out of the house before he takes his revenge?
    The gun does not belong to the Amos family.,
    The gun belonged to his grandfather.
    He assumes that if he is caught in the house, he might need to worry about the Amoses using the gun on him
    He thinks the gun may accidentally go off.
  • Q5
    How does Bud take revenge on Todd?
    Bud pours water on Todd's sheets to make it look like he wet the bed.
    Bud pours warm water on Todd's feet.
    Bud puts warm water on Todd's head, and then he wets the bed.
    Bud decides to pour the warm water on Todd’s pajama pants, and then Todd wets the bed.
  • Q6
    How do you think Bud feels as he leaves the Amod house with his suitcase?
    angry, that the Amoses were not the perfect family for him to live with.
    scared that he made Todd wet the bed.
    sad that Todd and him did not become friends
    satisfied that he has exacted the perfect revenge

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